
Is it fair for someone's request to be removed, when they ask for prayer?

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I think not! I feel Yahoo should then create a new category especially for prayers! This is something I feel so strongly about! These people are hurting! They are asking to be lifted up in prayer!

With all the ranting and hatred that goes on in this section of R&S, surely a little love and positive prayer would, at least balance it out.

What do you think?

Please let's be civil here! This concerns matters of the heart!

Thank you for all your answers. Blessings and Love : )




  1. I agree with you and I am an atheist. Another section for prayer requests is not a bad idea. I know some people report them in R&S (not me, it really doesn't bother me...heck I answered one last night with best wishes and good thoughts) and it would keep R&S from being flooded with them and give the religious people a section where they could ask for prayers and not have to worry about getting a violation notice.

  2. Dear Carole,

    It is extremely sad that when people have posted in the past and post in the present...prayer requests, many get deleted.

    We serve a powerful God whose name is Jesus Christ, and He will answer your prayer dear one, without it having to be posted.  

    I ask now, that those who walk as followers of Jesus Christ come in agreement right now...and pray on your behalf and others that God will not just hear your prayers but intervene and answer them with His almighty Power.  That the answer to your petitions that you have presented to the Creator of the Universe will come to fruition.

    If God be for us, who can be against us?  (grin)

  3. Yes it is fair to remove prayer requests.

    if they allowed that, the site would be filled with millions of people asking for prayer requests everytime they get sad or get a hangnail or want to win the lottery.

    The internet is already full of nonsense like those hoax emails from little Jessica Mydek who's "dying of cancer" and gets three cents for every email that's forwarded.  Because of that, the American Cancer Society has had to waste a lot of time and money that could have been better spent on important work.

    It's people like you who start that garbage and ruin the internet for everybody.  It seems like you even had to compel your friends and contacts to create false support for this because nobody in their RIGHT mind would want to see it.

    If you want prayer, go to church.  That's what it's there for.  This site is neither the time nor the place.  Now go run along, little sheep.

  4. I think that a prayer request on Yahoo!Answers must be in the form of a question in recognition of the guidelines. All requests for INFORMATION such as prayer requests should follow those guidelines.

    So merely ask in the form of a question. That would satisfy the community guidelines. Not that Yahoo! seems to care. But if we are doing this in recognition of asking and answering questions, it would be fair to allow prayer requests as they too can be a question, both literally and grammatically.

    If a person reports any question as not being an answer or question when it is indeed a question or answer, then they are in violation of Yahoo! guidelines. Not that Yahoo! pays any attention to this.

  5. I think a prayer request would be a very good idea.It would stop the hurt over asking for prayer because a person received a violation notice for asking for prayer.  We would have to agree to be understanding of one each others different faiths though. I would.

  6. Prayer requests are questions....I would think that the RS section would be a good place for them.....I'll try to find a way for you to rebut that action and get it to you by email..glowings..

  7. I honestly believe that would be a wonderful idea!  It would be great to have a section where folks could ask for prayer.  I know this is a Q&A board and not a social networking forum, but asking for prayer is asking... isn't it?  I don't know the details surrounding a prayer request being removed, but it would be great if there was a section on this page where folks could submit prayer requests.  I don't know how much good my oppinion will do, but at least you know I feel the same way.  Maybe an administrator will happen to look at this page and try the idea... I'll pray that that happens.  God bless.

  8. Personally,  I don't think there's anything wrong in asking for succour through prayers!  

    If it is against the Guidelines then its high time guidelines were modified/amended to include it.

    If Yahoo intends to bring people together and create a community by allowing us to have contacts,  then it cannot deny us emotional bonds with the like-minded people.

    For all those who believe in the power of prayers,  its a very good idea to create a special category to find some peace and quiet!  Let Atheists go elsewhere...its a wide world...

    May God have mercy on all those suffering!  


  9. Puzzling... My first postings when I joined YA were specific (and loud) calls for prayer and support. Why your requests were removed is beyond me.

    This cannot be justified as 'respect for everyone's beliefs' (including the beliefs of non-believers). Equal respect cannot be ensured by showing equal disrespect.

  10. No, it is not fair. It is wrong! If we can't ask for prayer in the S & R. Then what is the point? To give someone a Violation notice for asking for something like prayer is another slap in the face. To be guilty of a violation is a very bad thing! Prayer is not bad. Prayer hurts no one. There are many mean people here, and when the kids on staff tell someone they have violated the (Unspoken, unwritten) rule not to ask for prayer in a religious site is ridiculous!

    A prayer request site is a very good idea. The haters wouldn't like it but that's tough.

  11. Okay,i agree with you sister

    We visit R&S,and curse each other,

    Later we visit "Prayers" and love each other!!

    in this way,

    okay i was joking but seriously,if people agree with you,

    who am i to condemn??

    Go Carole!!!

  12. I agree 100% God and comuning with him is such a powerful and beautiful thing and we all have this power of prayer with God :)) Prayer is so important for all of us :)))

  13. There are other forums and sites where you can ask for prayers and blessings.  Answers is an information site: people are asking for information and answers to their questions.  Although prayers can help and can give people peace of mind, they don't count as being part of an informative service.  Prayers are more of a supportive service.  And that's just not what Yahoo Answers is for.  I'm sure you can find plenty of web sites that are based on giving support instead of information.  Good luck! :)

  14. OH God no with the world is now days we need a lot of help from any one's God and alot from our friends. I answered this from one of my contacts and i am tellin you its down right stupid that it was removed.

  15. A prayer is equal to a question, a request.  I think it is appropriate to ask for prayer.  

  16. No, it is not fair! I have read the guidelines over and over and asking for prayer is not against the guidelines!  

  17. Will you pray with me? Will you pray for me? Could we ask for prayer? How is this NOT a question? It is a simple request requiring a simple answer. Is it religious? Depends upon your own convictions. Asking for prayer is not a "violation" as far as I am concern as it is asking for something in the form of a request/question. Prayer for someone or situation is about the most courteous, non selfish thing any person could do for another. It shows respect, reverence and genuine compassion for your fellow man. I personally have my own qualms about Y/A's guidelines, but don't see where the issue is "asking" or making a request for an answer. You surely don't have to say anything else other than, "yes, I will keep you in prayer, or no" Prayer is ones own individual choice. I pray and am NOT ashamed to say so. It's power is truly awesome. If you don't believe me, try it yourself. Everyone needs prayer, whether they think they do or not. In my own opinion, asking for prayer is not a "chatting" issue, it is a simple request asking for the most powerful resource to step in and take over.  Pray for one another.  It works wonders.  

  18. I agree that a separate prayer section should be setup.

    Prayer is the way we give God permission to interfere in our lives.

    By the looks of things, we all need much more of that kind of help.

    Peace be to you and yours.

  19. I agree, and isn't asking a prayer *really* asking a quesiton?? Soundss like  Y!A is being prejudice and discriminatory :P

  20. I don't think Prayer Requests should be removed.

    Its a Yahoo Answers Line.

    Agree Glow Worm.. I want to look at the rules. Some have

    posted prayer requests and they were not removed and others

    have posted and were. I wonder Why>

    Yes, I second your motion in the Prayer Category for prayers

    Yes Judaism/ Christianity / Islam all worship the God of

    Abraham.. ( even though a little differently .Three faiths acknowledge themselves to be from the God of Abraham. and all others call the Creator God/


  21. I think the problem here Glow my dear. (this is curiosity, not chatting for those who Know not the difference, so no reporting please!)

    Now back to answering your question, which was "Is it fair for someone's request to be removed, when they ask for prayer?"

    This to some may seem to be chatting! but what is a request?

    It is the asking of others to join you in the search for the answer to a problem, and any such Quest for answers, is of course a Question.

    There are some who would rudely say that I am just playing with words here, but that is not unethical is it, we all do it and it is in fact correct to do so!

    If not how would we communicate?

    Words have meaning and if they are to be understood by all as they are meant then all must learn to understand the words!

    But is also our responsibility to understand the understanding of others when making any request, and choosing your words wisely as to not cause confusion to those who will see things differently ;-))

    Sorry if my words seem cryptic, they are meant to be as the best way to explain my words is to transmit the meaning. ;-))

    Maybe rephrasing your Question, WOULD help ;-))

  22. You already have some great answers. I do agree with you though. In my insignificant opinion someone who comes in need of prayer, just with positive words, prayer and support can find lots of comfort. There definately should be an specific section for it. Least one human owes to another are positive thoughs. Anyone can need those thoughts and prayer. Its a good thing you have put this question in the etiquette section because its should be a normal human etiquette to respect that person's request and not report him/her in that desperate state. Thats what I think atleast. Peace, Love and Blessings!

  23. I don't think it's fair. Even though I am new with few contacts I can tell that answers has become a community, especially R&S. It is a question, or can be phrased as a question after all.

  24. i just think they want to respect everbodys beliefs and not impose religion on anybody, personally i think itll be really cool to have a prayer section.

  25. That would be great if they had a special category for prayer requests.

    I don't think prayer requests should be deleted, but at least when we see them and pray, our prayers aren't deleted. The prayers that we send up to the Lord, cannot be made void by the people that are offended. Praise God! I thank God for that! I'm not sure why they would delete them anyway, it is a question if someone ask, " will you pray for ? " people can answer no, if that is what they want to say. But it is still a question, so why do they delete them? Maybe that is question we should ask here.

    But I feel most of us already know the answer.

    Sincerely, Andrew

  26. Of course it is. Yahoo owns the site, Yahoo makes the rules.  You are not obiliged to come here.

    Yahoo Answers is just that....a Q&A venue.  Requesting a prayer is NOT asking a question.  It is introducing religious ritual where it does not belong.  This is NOT a prayer group.  This is NOT a church. This NOT a Christian chat room.

    It's just that simple.

    Why do you think atheists and non-believers should be subjected to the religious notions of believers, when they are here simply to answer questions???

    It has NOTHING to do with fairness, but with obeying the rules of your host.  Would you go to the home of a non-smoker and start passing around cigarettes.  Or bring alcohol to an AA meeting????  

    Use your head, Carole.  

  27. I don't think there's anything wrong in asking for prayers.  I just don't think this is the place for it.  This is a forum to ask and get answers to questions.  

  28. I think not, and here is my reasoning. There are many faith forums out there that are "topic" based. Yahoo! Answers has a primary focus and that is questions and answers. You ask a question, and users answer. Mind you there is a lot of abuse such as morons who say, "There is no God." or "The Bible is a fairy tale". Such so-called answers just reveal their adolescent age and need to be ignored. However, for prayer, I would suggest a topic-based forum.

    As for your details, "But God is in all religions! He is called by many names!" This is not true. This is a common error, even with our current President.

    In Islam, Allah has no son, while Jehovah has a Son (Prov. 30:4). Only Judaism and Christianity follow the God of the Torah. Allah is far different and make far different claims. For example, Jehovah says that God's chosen people will come out of Isaac, when Islam says it came through Ishmael. You cannot have a schizophrenic god in order to make the two mix. They will not. You have to choose. One is a living God, the other is not.

  29. Will you pray for me?  Hmmm that looks like a question, and then details are given.  That doesn't look like chatting at all.  It's not meaningless at all, and it's not encouraging people to have conversations.  It can be answered with a simple yes or no, and if people want to elaborate, then they can.  It's not like asking what to wear, or eat, or what to do because one is bored.  It is a question and request for information that others are out there who do care.  So I second the idea.

  30. I agree with you. When my question was deleted when asking for prayer I was hurt, although when I challenged it I received another email saying that I was in violation of the Yahoo community code things. I believe that this is Satan trying to discourage and defeat us. Do not lose hope. We will have victory! Instead of being angry pray for those who persecute you. That is what God would want.

    Romans 12:14  

  31. I think Yahoo would not allow this.... although the good intention is there but there are existing categories where you can place your composed prayer. I know how powerful prayer is...... what matters most is the sincere intention we do here.

    I have gone many experiences from people who have not followed the guidelines in Yahoo but i just ignore them and give them insights to deal with civility. The guideleines are so clear but it seems others just don't know to follow simple instructions.

    Let us just pray for them.

    Thanks for asking my good friend. Have a great day!

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