
Is it fair/just/proper for the "secular" Indian and Bengal governments to deny adequate protection to Taslima?

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Taslima Nasreen is a creative novelist of international repute and fame. Her novels have been regarded highly by literary critics and other men/woment of letters have also applauded her insight and literary merit.She speaks for and on behalf of the innumerable voiceless women who suffer several inequities, tragedies and handicaps in their every walk of day-to-day lives in the hope that some day these women would receive the sunshine of freedom and enjoy the rainbow of liberty.

India and Congress Party claim to be a "secular " and

" democratic " and Bengal Government is run by a party that claims that it is "Communist " and boasts inceassantly of its

" progressive outlook " and yet both these governments have, in actual practise, given a cool goodbye to those principles they so loudly profess in favour of falling prostate at the feet of bigots and fundamentalists...!

How should we, ordinary people , understand and interpret this unashamed volte face ?




  1. Why should  they .first of all Taslima doesn't knows her own believe .She is only tyring  to get popularity  by staying in India. the religious party politicians taking  as issue  for political benefit .Don't be fooled  by Taslima and dirty politicians.She nothing for Indians.

  2. As far as the Govt. of India is concerned, Taslima Nasreen, is an exiled person from the neighbouring country ,Bangla -desh!

       True to the tradition of giving accomodation for exiles like Tibetans ,she too has been given visa to visit India and remain there for a short time.She is morally bound to conduct hereself in such a way as not to embrass the Govt; by her overt and covert actions.

    Already our relations with  Bangla desh have come under fog! Now, she demands asylum and citizenship from Govt. of India.Sections of Muslims speaking her ownlanguage and knownig her atitude to Islam are against it,

      Fearing  any harm to her person, the Govt' of India took her from Kolkatta  to BJP ruled  Rajasthan state and within hours had to be tken to a safe place in Delhi!

  3. It is a blot on the secular nature of Indian Government and State Govt. of West Bengal as well.

  4. What they preach and what they practise are not same.The CPM is  a  so called white collar Baboo Left Party of India counting its last days and the Congress is and was always the same.............the most communal and casteist party.

    Do the people of India really believe that these are secular parties? Do they (I mean , these Parties) really believe that they are secular?This is a term coined originally in the Costitution of India interpreting the meaning of the same by Jawahar Lal Nehru in his own  way, which the present generation of Congress Party does not practise at all.

    The alliance of the UPA with , among others, the so called "Left Parties" and pseudo secular forces, is a political opprtunism and nothing else.

    When a person of any country was allowed by issuing normal VISA to come to India and to live in a place called Kolkata, what on earth stopped this psudo secular Parties  from protecting her stay in there ?It's simply to appease the primitive Muslim Fundamentalist Sentiments of this country and nothing else.

    It's a shame that a country allowed someone like Taslima to visit and stay in India and then both the State and the Central Govts found it unsafe for her to live in West Bengal and the Central Govt found it unsafe for to stay in this country .Do these pseudo secular parties realise that Taslima is a TRUE SECULAR LADY and faced very odd situations threatening her life every moment by the Muslim Fundamentalists in her own country for writing certain facts based on her own experience in her Book(s)?Instead of protecting her at any cost as per civilised norms, the Govts at of WB and India acted like true muslim fanatics just to appease them......and they call themselves as "Secular forces" of this  country.

    Everyone knows how khomeini's "fatwa" to kill the author of "Satanic Verses" was condemned officially by the British Govt and how tight  security was provided to him.Rushdie's security became a British responsibility and the annual cost of maintaining this kind security was a staggering figure.By providing shelter and security to S.Rushdie the British Govt had to face the displeasure of the Muslims at home and abroad............the same security is still provided to him  both inside and outside UK(is it to be explained to our Leftists and the Congressmen?.....the SHAMEFUL  LOT , if , ofcourse , they have any sense called as "SHAME"?)

  5. This is first class politics buddy.

    The Congress and the Left as you said have been claiming that they are the only seculars in the whole of the world.

    Now they have dared to do such an act because the main oppisition i.e. the BJP would have no ground to ask her to stay back or insist the government to extend her visa and provide assylum to the author because the BJP has all along been oppossing the stay of the illegal Bangladeshi immigrants. Surely the BJP cannot blow hot and cold at the same time. BJP is yet to find a balancing ground on this issue.

    But the Congress and the Left are to benefit from a situatoin where there is no opposition whatsoever to whatever they do and say.

    May this querry of yours open the eyes of the people who support the so called secularists and their parties.

  6. The "Left" as the communists prefer to be called,are the worst hypocrites there are and

    are famous for their acrobatics,particularly the

    somersaults.They shout themselves hoarse

    about their "secular"credentials but push and

    shove for reservations based on castes,all with

    an eye on the dalit vote bank.No one seems to have given any thought to the fact that every

    religion has its own sects and subsects and

    subdivisions,with no two getting along with each other.For instance,in Islam there are Shias

    Sunnis,Khojas or Ismailias,Bohras.Christians

    have their Protestants,Roman Catholics,

    Mormons,Quakers,Lutherans,Seventh Day

    Adventists and so on.Among Hindus there are

    too many castes with more being added to the list by politicians,particularly the Left.Even among the peaceful Jains there are Digambers and Shwetambers.With all these "secular"

    people around,poor Taslima Nasreen is being

    kicked by all the political parties like a football.

    No one is willing to allow her to live in peace

    because every political party,again most

    particularly the communists of WB,wants to

    pass the buck and have nothing to do with her

    for fear of losing the Muslim votes.She is like a hot potato which no one wants to hold,least of all the communists.

    Don't you find it strange that despite all this the

    people continue to still elect these pseudo-

    secularists who are really the worst hypocrites

    and caste and religious bigots?Shame on us.

  7. The politicians are playing with these things

    Bigger things happened in 1980's Satanic verses by salman Rushdie His life was in danger with fatwa to kill him.British helped him I don't thing this is bigger problem

    I don't understand the meaning of secular what the political parties mean .All run for VOTE bank every one want to please each group in one time or another wants every on to believe that they are the parties whom people think better for them. Govt should take a strong stand /say on each matters that do not happen now a days All parties know that it is easy to speak and harsh when it is reality so they play with words & on actions.

  8. What are fair, just  and proper on secularism going on there in India?.Our great rulers, political leaders and parties ,actually don't know what secularism stands for. Even Great!Communists in India believe that it is doing big favours to the minorities. And if BJP attains power , they will start to bark the fascists has won.Then tell me ; what it means DEMOCRACY?.

  9. Firstly, Tasleema is a foreign national and her visa and stay is decided by the "Central Govt.of India". It is not that her writings have got equal appreciatation by all the literary faternaty. Some have described some of her writings as "of bad taste". In the united India, before independence most popular Bengali writers may include : Rabindranath Tagore, Saratchandra Chatterjee, Nazrul Islam, Bankim Chandra ...thereafter, Banofool, Sankar, Bibhutibhusan, Manik, Samoresh Bose etc.etc.One who reads Bengali, may not include her as a good writer. However, the WB Govt. may not be blamed, as they have nothing to say about her "stay".. they are ready to arrange her stay if the Central requests like that, in that case the Central Govt. would have to arrange for her safety. May we ignore the fact that she herself has corrected some paragraphs of her book 'Dikhondito" ? And then...why?

  10. Politicians/Govt officials dont want to rock th boat,they just want to stay in office to make as much money and connections as possible.So they have to lean against prevailing winds and talk out of both sides of their mouths to ensure the welfare of their cushy jobs,They are in govt only to further their on personal agendas.The last thing they want to do is open Pandora's box.

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