
Is it fair that china uses underage girls in the gymnastics?

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is it fair that china uses underage girls in the gymnastics?

if so, what does this tell you about china and their intentions? could their actions in the olympics reflect their actions in the global economy as in misleading investors also? (remember the rat poison in the dogfood or raidiador fluid in the toothpaste trick?) Theres a good chance that china tried to poison us before the olympics started to gain an edge. somthing to think about




  1. the olympics is supposed to be about the best athletes in the world competing against  one another, but lets be real, it's about politics. i remember when the olympics were in south korea...we should have won more medals than we did...politics. i believe it was 1980 and we didn't even send an olympic team to the ussr...politics. to answer your question, i'm not surprised in the least, at what the chinese have done. just another example, of how the olympics are about politics...not athletic ability.

  2. Why are there so many sore losers that can't accept a team of underage girls won?

  3. it's very unfair. traditionally, gymnasts tend to be able to stick more advanced skills when they are younger.

    i do think USA would've won team gold had chellsie and whoever else been fit.

  4. Is it fair?  Innocent until proven guilty.

    False accusation is NOT an honorable thing.  Think of it this way.  French accused Armstrong of doping for years.  But should we believe it just based on opinions?

    I think controversies are good for ratings.  That is why medias are digging up anything to fuel the "fire" of "China fear".  

  5. They are communist...what do you expect?..allmost everything from china is junk...and thank the greedy American importer who accepted the poison toothpaste from them for a profit.

  6. they should be reported for child abuse.

  7. if they really are...then no. Cheating and ignoring the rules isn't fair for anyone but nobody knows the truth yet though it seems pretty evident.

  8. Not fair and the IOC should be investigating this matter.  The other product recalls were most likely due to greed and negligence, not a sinister plot.

  9. LOL, Nothing has been proven, but it sure seems fishy. I read an article this morning calling for the IOC to investigate the ages, to either show wrong doing and cheating, or free the Olympians of any speculation that could taint their memories of their gold medal winning events. I agree with that, investigate it and let the people know the truth, then we can point fingers. It wouldn't be the first time they were caught using underage athletes.

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