
Is it fair that drivers who win do not make the chase but some that don't win do.?

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Why have a champion series wwhen you don't have to win to make it.. All you need is a team with mucho resourches




  1. Sure it's fair.  Consistency is the name of the game.  Just ask Matt Kenseth who won ONE race along with the Cup before the Chase format began.

    And to the dolt who said the Chase is unfair because the first 26 races don't really count for anything...they count for the top 12 drivers after Richmond.  You have to race well enough in those 26 races to have a shot at the final 10 and ultimately the Cup.

    The ONLY races I can even imagine not being worth anything are the final 10 for the rest of the field not in the Chase.

  2. yes it is fair if you're not consistant then you're not good. (for that year)

  3. It's all about consistency

  4. I think that the chase is fair. It makes the teams work hard through the whole season. They have to work hard before the chase to try and make it, then if they do make it 12th place is what roughly 100 points behind first makes an exciting end of season. To me its really no different than the playoffs in the NFL, think about it- in regular season you fight to make it to the playoffs, then you fight to make it to the superbowl. No matter how dominate you are in regular season (or in NASCAR before the chase) if you s***w up in the playoffs (the chase) it's game over.

  5. One race does not make a champion....  you need to do well the entire year....

  6. Consistency wins championships.  It always has.

  7. consistency is the name of the game in do not have to win a race to be in the top 12 and make the chase...but would be nice to see some of the guys up in the chase for all their efforts and barely miss the chase

  8. Consistency gets you in the chase.  The champion is the most consistent driver.  Winning10 races, and finishing 43 the other 16 races doesn't look too good.  But finishing 2nd every week, with no wins looks a little better doesn't it?  A lot of wins are by luck, but finishing in the top ten every week is usually skill.  Kurt Busch is a great driver, and so is Dale Jr, but you know there wins this year was 100% luck.

  9. or be a consistent driver...its fair, because some people win through "luck"...i.e. Kurt Busch this year....

  10. Of course it is fair.  Nowhere in the rules does it say you have to "win" or "win the most" to win the Cup.  You just have to consistently finish good.  

    go Jr.>>>>

  11. I think it is fair because if you have the points, you have the points.  They can't win by being Ricky Bobby (If you're not first your last).  They have to show consistency.

  12. Sorry man, if a driver is going to be in the Chase, he needs to earn it, and winning a race doesn't mean much.  If you only go by wins, then I'm sorry, the Chase won't be competitive, because the ones that aren't as consistent won't even stand a chance at the championship.

  13. The whole Chase system is unfair. I wish they went back to a season-long points standings. There's little point in running the races before the Chase because they don't mean much.

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