
Is it fair that girls are allowed to participate in boys sports and not the other way around?

by Guest45431  |  earlier

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I guess I should have been more clear Taylor's the only one who got it.

Example: Where I live there are both boy and girls hockey available. Girls are allowed in the boys league but not the other way and personally I don't think it's right.

On the other hand, in the summer there's baseball for boys and softball for girls. Now if a girl want's to play baseball (hardball) she has to play with the boys because there's no girls league. That's fine, it's when there's both available that I question fairness.




  1. What girls sport are boys not allowed to participant in? There are male cheerleaders (assuming that's a sport, it's an American thing). I can't think of a sport boy's arn't allowed to play. If it happened, that would be unfair. But I have never heard of this happening really, except girls didn't play rugby at school still and boys didn't play netball - but there are pleanty of girl rugby players at uni and the netball team plays against guys for practise sometimes. They seem to prefer basketball, though.

  2. NO..

    But this highlights one of MANY situations were feminism has brought about hypocrisy and double standards. No matter how much you change the LAWS.. there will always be a SOCIAL inequality between men and women.

    WHY? Because most men still have a superiority complex when it comes to their gender and most women still have an inferiority complex about their gender...

    WHY? Because ATTRACTIVE women date sexist bad boys. And since attractive women are viewed by men and society as the BEST women... they are the ONLY women anyone pays attention to. Therefore, as long as attractive women keep dating jerks... men will keep thinking women are inferior.

    What are feminists doing about this? Not much... because they CAN'T. You can't fight biology people!!

  3. sounds fair enough to us.. boys dont really make an issue of these things.. hey, if girls want to play with us.. let them choose to do so, right?

    besides no boy would like seeing his buddies crowding his baby sisters team.. h**l will come, i tell you..

  4. I disagree with the girl that said girls can't be on guys football teams.  There was a girl on my HS team.

    I saw this in the news recently.. a young girl that played on the boys basketball team, she said it was better competition and she played better when she played them.

    I think that allowing girls to play on the boys team and not vise versa for THAT type of reasoning encourages the idea that women's athletics are not as good as male teams.  I don't agree with it.

    If we are going to have 2 teams.. then they should stay divided along gender lines.. they are not an A team and a B team.

    However, if there is only one team, whether it be football, or cheerleading... I see no problem with co-ed teams.

    EDIT: I may have misuderstood the question.. I thought you were asking about specific all male or all female teams having another gender on it.  I didn't think you were talking about sports in general that have been historically "male" or "female"

  5. those who say what women's sports men are not allowed to participate, here is a list.

    females can play in men's chess (Judith Polgar), men can't.

    females can play in men's golf (Annika Sörenstam), men can't.

    females can play in men's bridge, men can't.

    and the list goes on...

  6. I knew a girl in high school that was on the football team. She got her a$$ run down every time they let her play, which was usually at the end when they had a HUGE lead.

    No chicks should play on their own teams and vice versa.

  7. it could also be b/c boys do not want to participate in girl sports (generally speaking)

  8. I doubt you can try out for the boys football team.

  9. No, it's not fair, but then again, you'd be hard-pressed to find a boy who wants to play on the girls' team. I personally think school sports should all be co-ed.

  10. No its not fair, but I dont see it changing.  When I was young and naive I thought male cheerleaders were "g*y", I totally missed the boat on that....any guys who still have the chance of being a male cheerleader, my advice is DO IT, FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY!

  11. I think that's completely untrue. Boys are allowed to participate in "girls" sports. Haven't you ever heard of male cheerleaders? Or male gymnasts? People can play whatever sports they chose. It's just not as common for boys to participate in those sports since they run the risk of being seen as unmasculine or "g*y" by others.

  12. no not really it make us boys feel left out

  13. No, girls should stick to girls sports and boy to boys sports.

  14. The whole opposite gender trying out for a team thing is if a team is not offered for girls (or guys) than that child must be allowed to play on the team that does exist. That's how female football league started, how guys are cheerleaders, and things like that

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