
Is it fair that we can see our flag burnt . and jihads put on our country?

by Guest59737  |  earlier

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And yet we cannot say anything in public because of political correctness

Is this fair whats your opinion




  1. I know we tolerate so much more than Pakistan would tolerate if I went over there protesting in the streets.

  2. There are good and bad in all countries. I don't think political correctness favours these people lol, the media and the public are all over them and rightly so if they are guilty. Personally to me a flag is just a piece of material and I couldn't really care whatever country's flag someone else was burning. I do for some reason feel great when I see the US flag burning.

  3. burning the american flag is not new   the hippies of the 60's burned the flag, draft cards, bras and probably a few humans.  it is worse when your own burns the flag but based on our constitution with it being free speech what can one expect?   mr  doodles

  4. no its not fair at all...i dont understand how the government can allow jihad support groups protest in the middle of new york streets, burning the american flag...the government is going through a tough time right now and i think its up to americans to make it easier for the government so that they can set their priorities straight

  5. Political correctness only exists in the US

  6. well im a muslim and i havent announced jihad on any country...if you think about it - i live in england so i could be hit in one of these 'jihadists' attack, i guess you should see it as being the bigger man... well bigger country lol, these fools arent worth it, if you hate them, you hate someone who is foolishly hating you which means your being foolish but then again i wouldnt be able to blame you for hating, im a muslim and i hate these 'jihadists'.

  7. no, but who told you life was fair?

  8. it wont stop me.please or offend.

  9. I don't think so.  But that is why we are the greatest country on earth.  "We allow us to speak the differences".  It is the freedom that we have granted our own citizens.

    It does made my blood boil when I see them burning our flags.  The flag that many of forefathers have defended by life and blood.

    Is it legal for me to burn some of their flags to vent some anger?

  10. Is it fair to invade someone elses country,overthrow it's government,cause civil war and kill thousands of innocent people including children and women.To do this to a country that has not threatened you or harmed you in any way.Where is the political correctness in that scenario.

  11. If there's one thing you should know in life - it isn't fair.

    I know where you're coming from though; it's a pain having all this "political correctness".

  12. i am sick with political correctness, any other nationality religion or culture can parade, protest, but we cannot do a thing without worrying about upsetting someone else, we are to soft a push over as a country

  13. really sucks don't it!  if we were to say something it would probably be considered a hate crime.  double standards blow, and as far as political correctness i can't say enough bad about it.

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