
Is it fair that we don't teach our kids alternate viewpoints of geometry? Is the Theory of Pi a religion?

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Is it fair that we don't teach our kids alternate viewpoints of geometry? Is the Theory of Pi a religion?




  1. There are no alternate theories! It's 3.0!!


    I think it's fair but I don't understand pi very well.

  2. im confused inins pi  liek that mathimaicel thin gused to find th eserconfence of a cericel... and its like 3.14................

    and it goes on forever?

  3. Hey! Where have you been? Missed you!

  4. The false and lying assertion that the Bible misrepresents the value of pi, has already been long debunked:

    The Bible gives the correct value of pi.  It is those twisting it that try to make it like it doesn't.

  5. Pi should equal blueberry.


    Deist with a B.A. Degree in Anthropology (Archaeology)

    Evolution is a scientific theory and a fact.

  6. It's true. The bible says that Pi is 3. GEOMETRY GOES AGAINST THE BIBLE. BAN GEOMETRY.

  7. Actually, pi is on sale. Reduced to 2.98

  8. Ahh, a little strategery....

    I believe in God but do not necessarily believe that it has a place in Public School.  

  9. We should teach our children that god created geomoetry and that we shouldn't question it.  God created right angles and cylinders and hexagons and they are beyond our understanding.  In fact, the first paralellogram was created just 1,500 years ago.

  10. Alternate viewpoints of geometry? How can you have a viewpoint on math? About as close a viewpoint you can have is whether you like it or not. What alternative is there?

    Now, I'm not sure what the Theory of Pi is, because pi is not a theory. Pi is the name applied to the ratio of the circumference of a circle to the diameter of that same circle.

    Basically, there is a ratio that has a value of 3.14:1. It's called pi. That's it, that's all.

    No viewpoint there.

    Atheistically yours,

    JM Gendron.

  11. Euclidean geometry is taught in the grade schools and middle schools.  Some advanced high school students, but mainly college level students, will get into the study of non-Euclidean geo.  For the normal person, doing normal everyday mathematics, that is all that is needed.  No sense in trying to confuse a 7th grader by telling them that the shortest distance between two points is a curve!   They have a hard enough time with the Pythagorean theorem!

  12. I believe my children should have a right to be taught that cake is just as valid as Pi.

  13. no it isnt....see math

  14. I can see where you're going with this, and your mistake is in believing that evolution has anything to do with real science. Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry - those are REAL sciences that can be proven in the lab. Evolution cannot. It is a religion.

  15. No.  The core of religion is service to our fellow beings, to lift the hands that hang down, succor the weak, help the faint of heart.  Math serves none of these needs.

  16. If you think you are the voice to bring alternative geometry, be my guest.  And you must make all other athies cringe when refer to the Theory of Pi.  Pi is a ratio.  Not a theory.  So glad I could fill in a gap in your education.

  17. Pi is a lie, everyone knows the Theory of Cak is correct!

  18. 1) We do teach other geometry(s)- Leibnizian and Riemann, for instance.

    2) Mathematics is not empirical (though some elements of it are quasi-empirical), and we still o not understand why mathematics is useful in science. (1) For this and other reasons, for the first (roughly) 60 years of the development of modern science most of the major thinkers would not include mathematics, saying this would be adding a mystical element to an otherwise objective pursuit. (2)  

  19. Um... no.

    Euclidean geometry (what is taught most frequently in elementary and high schools) is the easiest and most widely-used, and more importantly, most CORRECT perspective on geometry. All this "pi = 3.0" c**p is complete nonsense.

    Euclidean is usable under almost any circumstance; it just gets a little computationally groggy when dealing with fun things like spheres. Which, of course, is why we switch to cylindrical or spherical co-ordinates for those kinds of calculations. Granted, those don't usually get taught until post-secondary school, but they get taught, either way.

    So, to answer your question, no. I think we should stick to geometrical laws that have been in use for at least a thousand years, and have been proven to be fundamentally correct many times over.

  20. Yes- its an evil satan worshipping anti christian conspiracy to distract good christian folk from god.

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