
Is it fair to ask the 'big' questions such as: Why are we here. How does it all relate. etc. and at the same..

by Guest21293  |  earlier

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time not asking ourselves everyday questions such as: why am I with my girlfriend/boyfriend, what are my motivations. do I know what my morals are. what do I believe. how do I feel.

Can one ask the big questions and expect an answer and yet not know even the simplest answer to our everyday life?

Or are these two things connected and it does not matter which way one approaches existence, so that one question and aswer can lead to the other?

Or are there no simple questions, so asking everyday questions as for example ones motivations(deeper emotional or psychological motivations) for moving in with ones partner is just as profound as asking: Why are we here?

To me it seems one can ask 'Why are we here', without being clear on for example what ones morals are. Because there seems to be no critior for asking a question. One may ask 'why are we here' and not even be sure of ones own identity, or sexuality, or morals etc.

What do you think?

Sorry English is not my mother tongue, and so I hope I made my questions clear enough to answer.




  1. The questions you mentioned are over used in YA, however if the askers were truly keen in their questions and not just trying to prove a point then these questions are serious attempts by the askers to look at different points of views and they will decide themselves. However I disagree with you on

    - why am I with my girlfriend/boyfriend- as some cultures believe it is destiny (again religious/ belief issue that leads to the very foundation of existence/Gods).

    - what my morals are- Morales usually influenced by religion codes so again the point will lead to the big questions you mentioned, also suffering, pain, misery, war, life and death. It is a web and all of us try to figure out the reason why are we here,

    Edit : yes I meant to say all the small things lead to the big question,, why am I here,, I am making love,, money,, reproducing but all of that have to come to one fatal conclusion,,, Why all started,, wouldn't I be better if I have never existed,.

  2. Only if you neglect to give due time to the "Lesser", more important questions while dedicating effort unreasonably to the "big 'uns".

  3. You know what. When am asking questions which i can't define. I whisper to the wind and try to search nature. From the bluest sky to bluest sea. From the grass below and the ants under. Basic...Go back to basic. Love is why i am here and you are here. Love is what makes me exist. And no matter how big or small the question is. Undefined? still love is my answer. So be it.

  4. You can always ask!  but that don't mean your going to get an answer!  Your asking someone to return from the unknown and come back with right answers!  NO ONE KNOWS not the man with the gold not the one who says he is from a higher power... NO ONE!  

    But if you want to go deeper with the question Why are WE here!  we would have to try to re word that why am I here!  that you can answer and one should be able to answer that for them selves!  

    it is a very simple question but the answer can vary from breeding to being spiritual or to nothing!  if that makes any since!

    humans are complex that's why there are no simple answers or questions but some can be very simple to others!  see how complex we are!

    Any way your tongue is fine!  better then mine and it's all i know! :)

    Have a great day!

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