
Is it fair to ban Athletes for life for doping?

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Do you support/believe that Athletes caught for doping should be ban for life and prevented from coaching in top flight games? Please compare it with death sentence on crime inmates. I think they should be allowed to contest again after serving out punishments than banning for life. The past should also be forgotten when they have completed their punishment.




  1. There was a time when men were hung for stealing a cow.  Why did they hang men for that back then?  Because law was so difficultt to enforce, such Draconian measures were adopted in an effort to staunch widespread theft of steer.  We have a simliar situation today---so many athletes are doping to boost performance and it's become so difficult to enforce the rules against it.  So, athletes are being "barred for life" when caught---the unlucky few that have been caught.  

    In fact, it's hopeless.  As technology advances, athletes will find ever more effective ways to boost performance, including genetic engineering.  At some point in time, people will have to accept that the original ideal of the "pure untainted amateur" have become as quaint as mechanical typewriters and slide rules.  

  2. yes, international sports create role models and dreams for people, cheaters should be given the boot permanently.

  3. Criminals are not treated to the same luxury, why are athletes any different? I'm not saying that criminals should get a pass, but rather that athletes should not. The fact that a person has done jail time for dope or anything else will follow them for the rest of their lives and affect everything from them buying a car to getting a job. Why should athletes immediately get a clean slate?

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