
Is it fair to close all restuarnts during Ramdan,even when we have lot of non-muslims in our country?

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SARA,"..It cant really hurt them or the countries economy."Thatz very lame reply..WE are taling about faith dear.I was just saying that they are no point in telling that "I have self control".by avoiding all temptations.Victory is in fighting against all this and coming out successful.




  1. this condition is for Islamic state and u know Islamic state means mamliqat kudadad and u better know that if u live in mamliqat khudadad

    u should ready to obey the law of Allah and u know law of Allah is the best

    law u ask a q.about economy u know the best economy rule is Allah's rule

    if u give 2.50% zaqah ur state will never faceeconomy crisis but if u are a follower of Muhammad(swa)

  2. I am fine with that would you mind while I celebrate my Christmas in Saudi Arabia. You would not mind telling your Muslims brothers/sisters to leave a country for a day would you?

  3. Fasting is all about self control.  And there is nowhere in the Qur'an or Sunnah that says we should close all restaurants during Ramadan (while fasting.)  So I would say that it should be up to the discretion of the owners of the restaurants.  My refrigerator is full of food during Ramadan (thanks to Allah) and I don't automatically rush to it and break my fast, lol.  Allah knows best!

  4. i agree that it is wrong to force your decisions on others lives !

    but places like in pakistan fast food is always open lol

    salam  nimmy btw  

  5. It is not fair.

    In New Zealand everything has to close on Good Friday. I"m not a Christian, I don't care if Jesus got nailed to a cross, I would like to go shopping on my day off.

    If I was in a muslim country I imagine I would like to be able to eat during Ramadan

  6. That's a bit like covering up women all over so that men willnot get aroused, isn't it?

    Some people think self-control isn't their own responsibility.

    How about children? Last year I heard some crazy Malaysians forced their children to go hungry, so that they can "learn" to stand hunger. On tv, little children were crying in hunger and their parents grinning on the side, happy to have "teached their children their religion".

    Somebody tell these crazy people that children donot carry such responsibilities even in the strictest of all communities! This is child abuse!

  7. In lebanon restaurants open 24 hours in Ramadan, beside, Fasting is not compulsory, not all Muslims fast or can for that matter.... So no it is stupid thing to do.......

  8. Very unfair. Not every Muslim fasts in Ramadan....

    And women who have there *menstrual cycles* can still eat...

    And the non-Muslims should be treated with respect !!

  9. pork stalls are open in saudi arabia during Ramadan becouse there are many porks that speaks english

  10. Its not about our week Iman.

    Its about other respecting our deen.

    When a Muslim go to the west , he/she follow their rules. So y cant they follow Ours??

    Its true that they don't have to fast , BUT opening restaurants is like a green light for some weak Muslims that its fine to break Ur fast in Ramadan.

    Any way its just a month , and they only close for half day. It cant really hurt them or the countries economy.

    And most of the Christians i know .. buy food from the night and eat it in the morning.

    Most of my non-muslim friends seems to be totally okay with the situation in Ramadan and they dont complain since they Respect Islam.

  11. pork stalls are open in saudi arabia during Ramadan

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