
Is it fair to compare other players primes to Lebron?

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when you're having a discussion on who would be the better player. For instance people say...blah blahs prime to Lebron James. Who's better? Do you think that is a fair comparison seeing as how Lebron isn't even in his prime yet?




  1. Oh ok .. it is ok for you  to compare him to other players .. But when other people start comparing him with better players it's not fair all the sudden ...

    Why compare at all then

    I think Lebron will be in his prime in 3 years ... i don't know about Corey's 5-8 years ... LOLOL he gonna hit his prime at 31 ?  gimme a break

  2. On the contrary, I think LBJ is already in his prime.  Remember that he entered the league as an 18-year old so he kinda matured earlier than most NBA players.  Take Kobe for instance, he entered the league at 17 so by the time he was 24-25 he'd hit his prime.  Now, at 30, he's at his peak and in two years, he'll decline.  So to answer your question, I think it's fair.  You have a good point though.

  3. No, it's not really fair.  By looking at Lebron's game and the numbers he is putting up, I think people automatically assume he has peaked and is in his prime.  He probably won't be in his prime for another 5-8 years.  They should compare both players at Lebron's current age of 23.  That would be the most accurate assessment.  

    Most people who ask those types of questions have their own agendas and are seeking a particular answer.  Usually one that agrees with their own biases.

  4. I see your point. Maybe we should wait until LeBron reaches his prime and compare him to retired players like Kobe, TMac,

  5. good point

  6. lebron is amazing averaging 30 a game and is only 23 and not will hit his prime til like 28 or 29 but yea its fair to compare primes to current players

  7. no thats not fair, its really mean too.

  8. well it's fair for some cases. if you're talking about GC comparing A.I to Lebron's scoring, well they kinda had the same situation. A.I was and Lebron is the main scoring option and the leader and had little or none supporting cast. i think that's pretty fair  

  9. -Consider it a compliment, especially when he gets compared to great legendary players such as Magic and Bird.

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