
Is it fair to criticize Hillary Clinton on her past when Obama has no past to be criticized?

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Is it fair to criticize Hillary Clinton on her past when Obama has no past to be criticized?




  1. Yes, she made his experience an issue, she can't have it both ways.

  2. no, but obama just has no past that has risen from the waters just yet.

  3. Criticizing a person for known problems is one thing; to criticize a person when there is no known basis for it is another. I am sure there are things in both candidates background that could be used against them. We know Clinton has been in Washington for over 15 years and we know her voting record. Obama has only been there a bit over 3 years and we can look at his voting record. We then need to look at both candidates "other" experience and once we really know them we can talk about their background. Hillary's experience has been with the worst government America has had. I am not sure we want that kind of experience in the White House. Obama has been more of a grass roots person working closer with the lower income and middle class people. He has been in Washington long enough to understand the workings of Washington (and has done well in the short time he has been there) and understands life outside Washington.

  4. It is a bit lopsided wouldn't you say?

    Obama not having much of a political past is what worries me the most. If elected to the highest office in the land will he have the knowledge, wisdom, and experience to lead our nation in times of real emergencies?

    Saying we need a change just does not cut the mustard!

  5. It's not fair to criticize either of them. Put yourself in their shoes. They're basically applying for the most difficult job to obtain in the country.

    Think before you speak.

  6. I don't,  Obama has been serving the public for 20 years. what does earth look like from where you are?

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