
Is it fair to expect a little discretion?

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Question 1: If Person X asks Person Y on a date and Person Y declines, is that something that X can expect Y to keep to themselves/be discreet about?

Question 2: If Y does spread the word, does X have a right to be upset?

Question 3: If so, and if Y doesn't understand why X is upset, what should X do?




  1. For Q. 1 Well X does have the right to be upset. Not only is it disrespectful, but it also hurt your ego/self esteem.  

  2. 1. Yes, Person X should expect Person Y to be discrete.

    2. Yes, Person X has every right to be upset.

    3. Person X should explain to Person Y that they asked them out because Person X thought that Person Y was nice, and would enjoy spending time with them.  Not only did Person Y turn them down, they tried to humiliate and/or disgrace Person X by telling everyone details of them turning them down.  Person X should not throw good after bad, and check out Person Z instead.

    P.S. Person Y is a jerk.

  3. Just tell Y flat out how X is upset and kind of embarrassed. Yes, X has the right to be upset, and it's sort of immature for Y to be handling this sort of thing the way Y is.

    Just play it cool.

    X will be fine :)

  4. It's really nobody else's business, but evidently person Y is shallow and insecure and needs to brag about the people he's rejected. It does not look bad on X, but it will still feel like it to them.

    And while it's fair and right to expect some discretion in a situation like this, I'm afraid some people just don't understand social interaction all that well. If they're a selfish, insecure person on top of that, they'll tell people all manner of private things to boost their own ego.

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