
Is it fair to have higher insurance rates for young men?

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I am 21 years old and have never gotten in an accident, even a minor one. I have never been pulled over or gotten a speeding ticket. The worse I have gotten is a horn blaring at me. Why should I have to pay so much more in insurance? There are people in their thirties and beyond who are much, much worse drivers than I am.

I am not the only one, of course. There are plenty of young guys like me who are excellent drivers with spotless records. And then of course there are those much older who are much, much worse drivers.

I think the best scenario is to raise insurance rates only if there is proof that the driver is reckless (DUIs, accidents at fault, many speeding fines, etc..) It's dumb to automatically assume that a young male will be a dangerous driver.




  1. It's just that your age group tends to be MUCH WORSE drivers than a typical average driver. It's not personal.

    Remember, there are good student discounts, report card discounts, and various other discounts that a car insurance agent can get you. Ask, ask, and ask!

  2. Sorry, kid, insurance rates are based on statistics. As long as you are part of the high risk age group of 16-25, you're going to pay. Put yourself on the other side... the side that has to pay out when your age group wrecks cars by the metric ton. You would be asking "Is it fair that insurance companies have to charge the same low rates as older drivers to the group of people that is trying to bankrupt us instead of charging them more?"

  3. There are also young guys like you who drive dangerously and have little respect for the law. Life isn't fair. Get used to it.

  4. It has nothing to do with 'fair'. Young male drivers  are statistically higher risks than any other group. Since this is still a free market society the insurance companies are perfectly within their rights to charge more for high risk drivers.

  5. I absolutely agree with you but that's the way it is. Statistics show that most people your age cause or are involved in accidents at a much faster pace. I also agree that a lot of older people are worse drivers than young people. I was driving along one day and in front of me was a woman about 50 to 55 years old. Would you believe she had her sun visor down for the mirror and she was combing her hair.  But the best part was that she had a cell phone in EACH ear. Nuts!!

  6. yes

  7. No, it isn't fair, it's discriminatory. Call it "profiling" if you would rather, but it's the same thing. What ever happened to "Innocent until proven guilty" way of thinking? I have had one accident myself, but the only reason my insurance is close to affordable is because I drive a 4cly sedan.

  8. I totally agree with you and have been saying the same thing for several years.

    Btw...  I'm a mid-40's female, so no bias thought here.

  9. I agree as well with you but this is the way that the insurance companies can make a bunch of money, they just put all young people in one case "dangerous and high risk".

  10. Thank you for your thoughtful question.  Our society still has many areas of s*x, age, marital, etc...  discrimination.  This form of discrimination puts a financial burden on those targeted by the insurance companies.  Currently there is a lawsuit against Wal Mart for paying Male employees more than female employees.  This practice is wrong, and so is the practice of considering anything other than your driving record for insurance rates.  I am curious though.  If you continue to have a safe driving record, should you be able to sue your insurance provider for the loss you incurred due to illegal age and s*x discrimination?

  11. Save your question some where safe and reread in 14 years. I bet you'll vote on raising the minimum age to drive to 18 or 20.

  12. I agree, but research shows that teen males are more reckless. Our society is f***ed. lol

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