
Is it fair to say about Yazid?

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  1. inshAllah your hatred will be burnt in Jahannam, Mr. Osama

  2. its better to say

    May Allah make fate of lovers of Muhammad (saw) with him on the day of judgment.

    now can u stop being annoying?

    edit: who elected mary to judge? i dn't remember her being the one allowed to judge who goes to h**l and heaven.

    edit mary: your 14 and u don't know what judging is? wow thats sad

  3. Now i am shocked, we have people saying Yazid was Muslim, la hawla wala quawatra ela bil lah, may Allah guide them brother, i do not wish on anyone to be with Yazid, remember Imam Hussain cried and prayed for the Army that massacred him and his family, when one of his sahaba saw him crying, he asked why are you crying my ammer, Imam Hussain reply, was, i am crying because this whole army is going to h**l because of me. So i say pray that they don't, even if they don't like it, the rope of hypocrisy is short, and in a blink of an eye we will be in our graves, and it will be as if we been asleep for not more then a day when Allah raises us back to life again.

  4. yeh and that fate is h**l

    May allah guide them

    @ below - i aint judging .. its wer hes going face it

  5. No excuses?  That doesn't really make sense.  Yazeed was a Muslim, the Raafidah Shee'ah are not.  Pretty clear there.

    And what's this about Zakir Naik, are you making takfeer of a Muslim now?

  6. I don't know...I'm still confused.

  7. Being with Yazeed who was a Muslim is far better than being with the Rawaafidh Shee'ah, whom the Salaf unanimously made takfeer of

    Imaam as-Sam’aanee said in his Al-Insaab 6/341,

    واجتمعت الأمة على تكفير الإمامية لأنهم يعتقدون تضليل الصحابة وينكرون إجماعهم وينسبونهم إلى ما لا يليق بهم

    ((And the Ummah has consensus on the takfeer of the Imaamiyyah (raafidah), because they believe that the Sahaabah deviated and they denounce their consensus and ascribe to them that which is not affirmed of them))

    Al-Bukhaaree reported in his Khalq Af’aal al-’Ibaad (125) from ibn Mahdee that he said,

    هما ملتان الجهمية والرافضية

    ((They are two separate religions, the Jahmiyyah and the Raafidhiyyah))

    Imaam al-Laalikaa’ee reported in his Usool al-I’tiqaad Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaa’ah:

    سمعت عبد الرحمن بن مهدي وسألته عن الصلاة خلف اصحاب الأهواء قال نعم لا يصلي خلف هؤلاء الصنفين الجهمية والروافض فإن الجهمية كفار بكتاب الله

    ((I heard from ‘Abdur-Rahmaan bin Mahdee and asked him about the Salaah behind the people of desire and he said: “Yes, do not pray behind those two group, the Jahmiyyah and the Rawaafidh, for the Jahmiyyah are disbelievers in the Book of Allaah))

    Imaam Aboo Haneefah said when the Shee’ah were mentioned to him:

    مـن شــك فـي كـفـر هـؤلاء، فـهـو كـافـر مـثـلـهـم

    ((Whoever doubts in their disbelief then he is a disbeliever like them))

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