
Is it fair to say teh Darfur Genocide receives too little press coverage?

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Honestly, I can't say for sure (I was like 9 when it started), but it seemed to me that the genocide never got much press coverage... I never found out about it until 2006 (3 years after it started, in LA class). So a) is it the press' fault for not showing it or b) I was just too young and blissfully unaware/ignorant?




  1. You were neither. Now if there were mass amounts of oil in that region I'm sure we'd be willing to do more about it.

  2. Africa has never been a priority for the rest of the world.  

    Liberia had a 14 year long civil war where some terrible atrocities were committed.  Remember reading about that?  

    Neither do I.

    We are just far more concerned with Angelina Jolie's twins and Brittany Spears's chemical dependency issues than what is going on in Africa.

    Or it's just dismissed as "tribal stuff that's been going on for years."

    Now they're doing it with bigger guns.

  3. Nothing can be done about it.  It's tribal warfare.  Search the internet.  You can find info about it there.

  4. No oil, no go for Bush.

    Disgusting b******s.

  5. Of course it receives little coverage, because it is a poor African nation without any natural resources that are important to us.

    Some will say it's a tribal conflict and none of our business, yet we have no problem interfering in Kosovo and Iraq for that matter, remember news organizations are owned by large corporate entitys who first have their own interest at heart, why report on something they can't benefit from.

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