
Is it fair we care for the environment?

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Do you think it's fair this generation be responsible for protecting the environmnet? Why should we carry the burder of making the environment better for next generations if our older generation didn't do the same for us?

Like everything else, earth will die one day, so why bother protecting it? Not that I want to advocate damaging the environment, but we shouldn't worship it either.




  1. The environment as we know it will change, catastrophically.  The only route left to humans is space travel, for from it we will develop technologies that will enable us to remain here, on an uninhabitable Earth.  

    Because of the nay sayers, the sceptics, the people and governments who sit on their arses and do nothing, we have already lost the world.  But, when you stand alone against the tyranny of ignorance, against those who gladly destroy the generations to come, who destroy other species for profit and sport, you become a better person.

    To try, even when failure seems inevitable, is good, for who knows what twist in events lies just around the corner.

    I care not for what others think.  I see truth as best I can.  I act with compassion, a compassion that will echo in the future.  That is who I am.  Who are you?

  2. Use and consume! As long as there is enough for me in my lifetime it's all good!

  3. yes!! just because they doesn't , it doesn't make it okay to just do what we like why should doctors or anybody do things for us? what if they said " oh well, what am i gonna get out of it?" or " who cares just 1 more person theres plenty more" we should respect the earth while we still have it because for right now... its are only home, and we should at least try to make it clean and healthy... even if it doesn't have feelings. were all going to die some day, so why don't we try to live the best we can on earth while were still here

  4. Like everything else, you will also die. So, why should doctors ever take care of you if you need help?

  5. What percentage of illegal immigrants in this country actively participate in "conservation", or protecting the environment?   Or does the "we" you speak about not include them?

  6. Not that I'm trying to be rude, but generations before us did so much more than we are doing right now.  The least we could do is care for the environment.

    Plus, the point isn't that "we're all going to die anyway so why protect it," it's let's protect it for the generations after us and our OWN generation so we all can live safety and happily.

    There are so many perks to protecting the environment.  Littering costs taxpayers millions of dollars to clean it up.  Not reusing products causes companies to waste more to make more.  Toxins in the air make it unsafe for everyone.

    I find your opinion rather selfish.  Haven't you ever done something for the greater good without expecting something in return?

  7. The previous generations did the hippies. They were tree huggers and what not. So i dont see why you dont think that they weren't caring.

    It would definately not be fair if we didnt take care of protecting the environment because then everyones life span would slowly start declining because they wouldnt have anything healthy in their life to worry about.

    Even if the earth will die eventually doesnt mean we should kill it faster. Its here for a reason so why should we kill it. Especially if their are many living things on here. Its murder to the world.

  8. Yes, this is fair.  Let me try to show you why.

    I'll assume you're American or European.  Please report to a German prison camp immediately.  Soldiers from the generation you disrespect fought and died for your freedom.  

    The point is that every generation has its' duty to the next.  The particular duty changes due to circumstances.  Theirs was fighting World War II, yours is protecting the environment.

    Did you know that US bomber crews in the early days of the war had much less than a 50% chance of surviving even one tour of duty?  They knew it, and still got on the plane.

    You should be ashamed of yourself for not being grateful for what was given to you, at great cost.

    EDIT _ I'm not being rude.  I'm explaining why yes, this is fair.  The fact that you don't seem to "get it" is proof I haven't been too firm, but have softpedaled this.  Try reading it again, I've made a few changes.

  9. Yes it is fair and economically sound, besides most people do care what happens to future generations.  

    We should take measures to protect the environment, but we should balance these with economic considerations as well.  We shouldn't stop using oil completely just because CO2 might cause some degree of warming at some time in the future.  Lets get confirmation before doing anything too drastic.

  10. We're all going to die someday too, but there's no reason to rush it either.

    Everyone should have the obligation to pass on a no-toxic world for the next generation. Unfortunately we don't all see this. We do what we can and try to get others to do what they can.

    BTW, speaking as the "older generation" we did and do what we can. I have been active in conservation my whole life, but I can't force others to my way. I can lay out the facts and hope they "see the light".

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