
Is it fard to grow beard?

by Guest64976  |  earlier

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I hae heard from some sheiks that growing the beard is fard and not only sunnah. What is the rulling on this? Please provide evidences from Qur'an and Sunnah.




  1. No itz Sunnah! if it were fard u wud c all of muslim men wearing beard!

  2. from Sunnah:

    "Depilate the mustache and grow beards and do not imitate the Zoroastrians" (HR. Muslim no. 625)

  3.'s right before being a Fard. It's Wajib, meaning that it's obligatory, and if you don't do it, you become a flagrant sinner.

    The difference between Fard and Wajib is that if you don't do a Fard, you're committing disbelief, and if you don't do a Wajib (without valid reason), then you're committing a flagrant sin, and in this case, abandoning the Sunnah of our prophet (saw).

  4. No No No as I personally don't like it, but it was a tradition of the prophet P.B.U.H&H so at the end of the day it is really up to you.

    Good luck:)

  5. beard in any part of body makes u look ugly

    above or below

  6. My dadda says it is if one is able to!

    *Throws diaper at frst user*

  7. The correct understanding about growing a beard in Islaam is what is apparent to any sound mind from the statements of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him):

    Ibn 'Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said, "Trim the moustache and let the beard grow; be different from the mushrikeen." (agreed upon).

    To fulfil the category of the beard being Wajib it must be one fist full; anything beyond that is sunnah.  The hukm is different when one naturally cannot grow a beard; there is no sin upon him.

    "There is no obedience when there is disobedience to the Creator." Obey the father in all issues save when it involves the disobedience of Allah.


  8. It matters what mathhab u follow. The hanafis say u can't have it shorter than fist length. i'm not sure about the other mathahib.


  9. Salam Aleykum...

    dear brother...if you have any questions about the rules in can ask

    and no I don't think it is fard...some Islamic scholars say it is wajib and some say it is sunnah (I think)

    I hope you will get more accurate answers from that website (because experts answer) than asking ordinary Muslims in yahoo answers

  10. its not farz but it is Sunat-e-rusool

    It is good if you choose to keep a beard but you don't have to and mo body can force you

    it is good because haadith say Muhammed (SAW) had a beard as well

  11. Depends on the madhab. Find the contradiction that suits your desires most and stick with it.

  12. Its a sunnah

  13.   This might help:

  14. Yes it is obligatory... Scarf for women.. and beard for men..

    You have to follow Qur'an and Sunnah.. not any madhhab... always take the strongest proof from the Qur'an and Sunnah.

  15. I think it's Sunnah.  It's to illuminate the prophet Muhammad(Salla Allahu alahi Wa Salaam) and so Muslim men don't look like or imitate the Kaafur.  Anyone who is capable of growing a beard should do so.  This will help distinguish our Muslim brothers from Kaafur men.

  16. There are no evidence from the Holy Koran to say that a man 'has' to grow a beard. However throughout time there have been ideologies that support the idea of having a beard - and some even link this to a saying from the Prophet. But who said that the Prophet did say that? Who can prove? Yes - they can say 'hadith' and all that, but who can prove the hadith is true?

    The books are very antiquated and their source and origins are very scattered. The only true source we have is the Holy Koran - and the Koran is the clearest form of answers for us.

    But it will only come down to yourself, and your intentions and you as a person. That is why we have the Koran and our brain to make decisions.

    And let no one tell you the people giving answers are 'ordinary' Muslims.

    I guess, however, when you say to people "Koran is our proof, they like giving thumbs down because they love the antique hadith books that God knows who edited through time - and they love these books more than Koran, the undisputed word of God... and there is no mention of beard in the Koran (and I know Koran doesn't mention how many rak'as we pray, etc. but it does give an outline on the subject, whereas on beard, I think God has more important issues for us to do)

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