
Is it favourable to fix a mirror on a wall facing north inside the house?

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if the mirror is already fixed on the wall what is the remedy?




  1. What difference does it make which wall you place a mirror on? If one is already permanently afixed and you don't like it...paint a picture on it or attached framed pix of things you do want. It will make a nice background. You can drape fabric or vines or something around pix you attach.  

  2. Even though the sun rises in the east and sets in the west where I live it doesn't make a bit of difference which way your mirror faces.  If it is a personal thing for you it is still possible to remove a fixed mirror no matter how it is attached to the wall.  

  3. There isn't a definitive "yes" or "no" answer to this, as feng shui can depend on the outlay of your house.  This can also depend on which room the mirror is in--bedroom, living room, den?

    Very generally speaking, mirrors on the north wall enhance Career and Path in Life.  Mirrors also provide the feng shui element of Water, so they must be placed carefully.

    This article may help:

    Much feng shui is common sense, so you may want to do a search for "feng shui mirrors" for more help.

  4. yes,what's wrong putting mirror whether north or south? the sun  rise in the south in the morning and set in the north at night so in short both ways is possible unless you are superstitious kind of. i suggest forget the side of being as one because it will spoil your  life.

    if the mirror is fixed permanently and unmovable then this is personal, only you can find the answer.

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