
Is it fine If I let my 6 year old son alone with my neighbour who we've known for 2 years..?

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..we know them but we just don't 'know' them if you know what I mean




  1. That would have to be a decision that you need to make on your own. How can we answer a question about neighbors that we dont know.  If you trust them than yes. He is six, it is not like you are leaving a new born with them.

    Good luck

  2. no don't do that

  3. Do they have kids?  I have a 19 month old who loves this 6 year old little boy in our apartment complex, but his parents won't let him in our house.  I don't want my son out all day because he's very fair, and the little boy obviously wants to play (no other playmates and he likes my son's toys =)

    It hurts our feelings, although we obviously respect that they don't want their child to go in someone's house they don't know.  That said, I have on several occasions tried to get to know the parents, and they don't seem very interested.  Don't deprive your child of company if the kid wants to play with their kids.  Just go over and discuss their house rules along with their expectations as to how long your child ought to be over. (that age can be a little trying when they're not yours..)

  4. It is only ok if you really know them as in you spend time with them and your son has spent time with them and you really feel they are trustworthy.

  5. I'm guessing you're asking because you're not 100% sure. That being said.......if you're not 100% sure don't take the chance. Wait until ( when and if that time comes ) you DO feel 100% secure - however long that should take.

  6. If you don't know the neighbor well and don't feel good about it, don't do it. Esp. if it's a GUY. I mean, I know desperate times call for desperate measures too though. So...your son is old enough to tell you if anything happens. Maybe you can have a talk with him, telling him that if the neighbor hurts him in any way, touches him, spanks him, etc., then he NEEDS to tell you. Do a background check. They also have sites that call out child predators in your area. How do YOU feel about the guy? Would YOU want to stay there alone with him? If you don't feel comfortable, then don't do it.

  7. No, I would never leave my child with someone I'm unsure about,  it'll make you worry more. Two years isn't enough, you should know them longer before trusting people with your children.

  8. If you feel uneasy about it then absolutely NOT.  Go with your true instincts.

    Now, if it were me...  Does the neighbor have kids around my sons age?  How long would I be leaving my son alone with the neighbor?  Does my son want to stay there?

  9. depends how old your neighbor is and if there actually going to be homealone.I would never leave me 6 year old home alone

  10. i say no because it would be for my sons safety. but if they have children then yes because they could possibly do no harm since they have kids

  11. The fact that you needed to ask if it's okay makes me think that you shouldn't. If you have any hesitation or any reservations whatsoever, even if it's nothing that you can quite put your finger on, I wouldn't risk it.

  12. Not at age 6 - he's too little to protect himself if something bad happened.

    If you don't know them that well - absolutely not. Nothing is worth risking your child's safety. If you have any doubts, don't leave him there. Are you sure they're not pedofiles or something? If you don't know, then there's your answer!

  13. Scarred for life just takes a minute.

  14. Get to know them !

    If my child was going to be with them, I would get to know them and I mean "get to know them". If they have kids my childs age, that would be one thing, if they don't have kids, then why do they want my six year old over there is what I would be asking myself.

  15. Trust your gut.  If you trust them and feel comfortable with it, then it's ok probably.  But, the fact that you're asking makes me think you're not comfortable with it.  If you have any doubts at all of their ability to take care of your son, then don't do it.

  16. I don't know your neighbor.  How would anyone on this board know if it would be okay to leave your child with them or not?

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