
Is it flattering to Obama that Palin dedicated her whole speech to him?

by Guest65652  |  earlier

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You would think she would differentiate herself from BUSH! But she is obviously very scared of Obama.




  1. Will Sarah Palin keep her other teen daughter under lock and key after all this?

  2. I think it is flattering to Palin that I got an email from Obama's camp last night saying she was lying, but giving no examples of her lies.

    Read the text of her speech here

    before you make inaccurate statements.

    Thanks for helping the Reps today!

  3. You must not have been listening.  She dedicated about 30% of her speech to listing reasons why Obama isn't qualified to be President.  Perhaps you should take heed.

  4. Oh please you Obama kool-aid drinkers.  She addressed everything.  She had to introduce herself and her family to people that did not know her.   She told us why McCain would make a great President and more importantly why Obama would not.  The truth hurts.  The Democrats are running scared.  I think they see that their hopes of gaining the White House are over.  Obama should have chosen Hillary if he wanted to be elected, but he was spiteful and arrogant and felt like he could make it without her.  Surprise!  I have heard quite a few pundits and political analysts from both sides state that his not choosing Hillary would be the political blunder of the century.  So long Obama.  You talk change and then pick Biden who is a Washington insider for over thirty years, what kind of change can we expect from that?

  5. Yeah, right...whatever.  

  6. no I just that Obama is a easy target!

  7. Palin has the hots for Obama. She put all of her attention to him.

  8. Did you see The DNC? Or are you just ignorant? The are running against him. Was she supposed to sing his praises?  oof .. amazing.

  9. I heard them at first adress the issues of how people kept talking about her children, then she comes out and talks about her children for about 20 mins. Then about Obama for another 20 mins.

    We don't care about your children, or how much you dislike Obama. We want to know what will happen with government.

  10. You must have heard a different speech than me. It was mostly about John McCain.

  11. Well, its not her fault. She didn't write the speech. Guess, pitbulls with lipstick are dumb.

    Oh yeah BillyTheKid, before promoting yahoo news, be aware that they point out all the lies in her speech. Just FYI. More then a few of HER statements were inaccurate.

  12. Yes,and yes they are intimidated by Obama

  13. nope it is flattering for her!!!!!!!!!!!!

  14. I don't see how it would be flattering. The whole point of the speech is to say what you are for and how you're opposition (Obama) is not the right person for President. Which is exactly what she did.

  15. We gotta keep in mind here folks Palin, went out and delivered the can of speech she was told to deliver complete with her signature piece " I told Congress thanks but no thanks on that bridge to nowhere." The same bridge she originally supported.

  16. Well, it is who the republicans are running against, but what I thought was interesting is that they had little about policy to discuss. Mostly cheap personal jabs from the republicans, and a little tired old voodoo economics (lower taxes on the rich, less government spending- as if the roads and bridges aren't literally collapsing in this country from too little spending on them).

  17. LMAO "Her speech was about John McCain?" It was filled with Obama-bashing, and then every once in a while she would talk about how great McCain was because he was a POW and his career is all about change.  Did she actually talk about one issue the entire speech?  Did she talk about McCain's involvement with the Keating 5?  Did she talk about how McCain cheated on his dying wife when he got back from the war?  The whole speech said nothing, she was lucky she went after "Lispy" Giuliani because that can make everyone sound a little better.

  18. I mean, what else do the Republicans have to run on.

    1) Don't elect Obama

    2) McCain was a POW

    3) Did we mention that we shouldn't elect Obama

  19. I would like to know where she stands on the issues

  20. part of the VP role in their nomination is to be the "bad guy" and highlight the faults of the opposing prez nominee.  Biden did the same, because that is their role.  You must be new to this game.

  21. i would say obambi,has been OUTED,and squirm-in,just like the girly-men liberals do,squirm liberal squirm!!

  22. Right, it shows signs of fear.  The coming campaign will be very telling.

  23. She insulted every community worker & everyone who has ever needed help by one so she has helped him I am sure. I was laid back about it all until I saw the crowd making fun of Obama for not choosing war but choosing to help people in a non-violent way when he could have went to wall st. & done nothing for others.

  24. I know- the only thing we learned from her last night is that she's a "bit bull", "hockey mom", and has a disabled child. (wait, we already knew those things)  So much for substance. He entire speech was nothing but sarcasm and insults- she sounded like a b**chy high school girl.

  25. Well, if her speech makes her scared of Obama then Obama's speech must mean he's scared of McCain right?  

  26. Well, I would brag too if I were here. After all, being mayor of Wasilla is enough to get anybody ready to be President of the United States!


  27. Obviously they consider taking down Obama a couple of pegs more important than differentiation from Bush.  Besides, McCain could be the one tasked with that.

    Bear in mind that they were speaking to the Republican convention.  They didn't need to differentiate themselves from Bush since most Republicans all ready recognize the difference (and Liberals will only listen to the mass media anyways, so why bother?)

  28. Me and some friends had the convention on last night.

    ( one is a Republican, the other Libertarian, and two Independents.)

    We were all surprised at how negative the speeches were.

    None of my friends will vote for McCain/Palin.

    Palin did indirectly compliment Obama and, certainly They are very afraid of him.

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