
Is it foolish to wait?

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I dated a guy on and off for a few years and the last time we broke up, it was official (I wasn't grown up enough to handle certain situations). But its been over a year and a half and I havent been able to move on completely. I have this feeling that he will come back-- the same feeling i got before we hooked up again the previous times. Should I ignore the feeling and move on or let myself wait for the only person who's ever made me truly happy to return?




  1. It's a personal decision.  No one can really tell you the answer to this.

    It's usually not a good idea to ignore feelings for long periods of time.  That feeling is there trying to tell you something.  Feel it. Examine it.  What does it mean?  What is it telling you?  Ignoring this feeling may be exactly the reason you can't seem to get closure on this.  Something's still poking at you.  You're not done until your done.  If you want to call him again call him agian.  If you call him 47 times and get rejected 47 times that feeling he'll come back will probably go away and you'll really be over him.  Or maybe you'll get him back?

    Find a quiet place where you can think for some time.  Think about what's the best thing to do about this feeling, what's the best way to handle this situation.  And, when you come to a conclusion you feel good about, act.  Maybe it'll take several sessions like this.  But don't act until you reach a conclusion you feel good about, whatever that may be.  Maybe you need to cut your losses and move on.  Maybe you'll want to wait a little longer but not forever.  Maybe some compromise is needed.  Maybe try talking to him just once more.  Maybe you'll want to just drive at him as hard as you can and fall on your face if that's what's going to happen, but at least you tried.

    Waiting may be a waste of your time.  Maybe it'll pay off.  But it is YOUR time.  And you must decide if the wait is worth it.

  2. ...move on and make your life now...not watch and wait with no guarantee...move on...LIFE IS SHORT...good luck...

  3. waiting is the worst attitude.

  4. Don't wait.  Things don't always just fall into place, i believe if you want something its up to you to go and get it!

    Rather than wait i would go up to him and just say i like you again whats the chance of us ever getting back together.  Then if he says yes there you go no time or worry wasted and if he says no you can get on and over it and move on to the next person!  You will find happiness.  It will take guts being straight but trust me you will feel a load lighter after! go for it, after all you don't have him now so have nothing to loose!  

  5. First, how is this a philosophy question?

    Second, if you are not grown up enough, then this person was and is inappropriate for you.

    Don't confuse a crush with love.
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