
Is it forbidden for a 18 year old to be with a 17 year old?!

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Hello, I would like to know, if it is forbidden for a 18 year old to be together with a 17 year old in the USA. I just know how the law is here in germany, but I doubt that this would be forbidden, right? and in case it is, is well everything forbidden or just having s*x?

It's because I might visit my girlfriend in the USA in winter instead of next summer, and in that case I'd be 18 already and she's still 17, and she said if we even kissed then and someone saw it, I would have to go to prison. Is that right??




  1. If her papa says you cannot see her - you bet you will be going to jail for doing so.

    If you really want to see her, and she isn't yet 18 - I suggest becoming friendly with the young lady's parents, following whatever household rules they have - even if the rules are to stay away.  

    Even after the young lady turns 18 - the relationship is doomed unless you and her parents can get along.  So - best thing to do is ask her parents if you can take the FAMILY out for dinner or ask to visit the family inside the home w/ parents present.  After parental approval is given to see her alone - you may do so - but under no circumstances have roaming hands or s*x with the girl before that 18th birthday, and don't treat that birthday as a date that s*x can be expected on either....


    Her mother liking you is quite helpful.  This will make it very easy for you to take the young lady and her mother out to dinner, or to meet w/ the young lady inside the home.   Since you are only coming for a short visit, I wouldn't expect anything more from this relationship.

    Now - if you are looking for romantic relations - I would strongly suggest you put this out of your mind.  It will NEVER be okay with her mother for you to fly over to this country, have s*x with her baby girl - then fly back home.  You most certainly have statuatory rape charges awaiting you before you even made it to the airport.

  2. No it's not. We're not communists.

    You're not actually supposed to have s*x with a person under 18, but as long as no one finds out you're fine.

    ...kissing is also fine. haha

  3. Yes, but someone would have to be a real a hole to report something that minor.

  4. Kein problem. Das Schutzalter bei 16 Jahren in den meisten Staaten.


  5. No, people are so tied into that 17 year old age thing...  There is this ruling called Hoffscheier, which s*x offenders love but if there is no three year difference between and they are both consenting, then there very well could be no crime involved... However, if their is any force, fear or manipulation, then it could be enhanced because of the minor situation

  6. Yep..

  7. Your fears are well founded as they put teens on the s*x offenders list all the time, in fact most of the names being put on that list are the 19 dating a 15 year old type. 15 year olds' mom gets pissed and reports him to cops but she has no idea how harsh the sentence is 19 year old gets 4 years in prison and a life on that offenders list.

    Mom catches her 10 year old son playing doctor with his 6 year old sister thinking she is being a good mom she decides to get the son a little counselling. But the therapist must inform the police. The boy is arrested and sent to live in foster care until he is 18 and if he wasn't a pedophile at 10 after years of corrective "therapy " you can bet he is at 18

    Coming to America is dangerous so take all precautions to protect yourself from the police.

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