
Is it frownded upon at all golf clubs to have lady members?

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Is it frownded upon at all golf clubs to have lady members?




  1. It shouldnt be, as our next president might end up to be female, although unlikely.  Still, women bring alot of fundraising to country clubs, such as potlucks, coed tournys, and so on.  However, they do slow down play most of the time.

  2. No not really. Men do get frustrated by women at the golf course but it's minimal and not really a big deal. I wont attempt to explain why.  Its certainly not like women dont get frustrated by how men behave in certain situations.  The two sexes do differ and sometimes that causes friction.

  3. no absolutely not most golf clubs actively encourage female members after all the yearly ball wouldnt be much good without them and who the heck would run the halfway house on championship day lol

  4. No, golf clubs need golfers paying subscriptions to keep afloat. Ladies membership fee's, gents fee's, juniors fee's, they all pays the bills.

  5. i agree with ncj! my thoughts exactly. some clubs see it as strange but they shouldn't!

  6. I would say no. There are not too many clubs that have men only members. I think years ago it was more the case that you would see men only clubs. I used to work at Royal Troon Golf Club in Scotland where ladies could not go in the clubhouse but the ladies also had their own clubhouse round the corner ,which prohibited men.

  7. I've never heard of any golf club that "frowned" upon having lady members.  In fact, most would encourage it, if there were enough women golfers interested.

    I have 2 female golfer friends with whom I frequently play, one is a 4 handicap and the other a 7.  I love playing with them cuz they have to give ME strokes as I'm a 12!

  8. Not at all. Ladies are just as important as the men.

  9. Only when they are on the course. They are quite useful in the clubhouse.

  10. It depends on the golf club. The local golf club I go to actually encourage the ladies to play, of course this tends to 'up set' certain people in the club, mainly the people who are retired and walk around thinking they own the place!!!

  11. No.  No golf course I've ever played discouraged women golfers.  They're just an extremely rare thing to see.  You can go several rounds in a row without seeing any women at the golf course closest to my house, but they're welcomed just the same as men.  The few courses I've heard that don't like women are courses that have been around forever and often don't like a lot of men either, unless they're "like them," which usually means stuck up and a bit of a jerk.

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