
Is it fuuny efficient or other that should you criticize Yahoo content or a story or a famous person?

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that it is removed within minutes ,(take note you wankeeers youtube with the p**n and violence )

who is to blame the lowly intern or the tosser manager she reports to.




  1. Unfortunately guidelines have to be adhered to but a lot of confusion is due to language differences

    eg : f-a-g-g-o-t-s/ *********-e-s/ t-i-t-s / are seen to be rude words and are therefore deleted although used quite innocently in their proper context.

    I think the manager is doing their job and  the reporter is just out to make mischief.

  2. Decode this lyrics " I started the joke"

    That depend on how one look at it.

    Mostly it look funny.

    Don't mean to critize.

    Just shaking and waking one up with the joke.

    When others were not even aware.

    Which is what.

    That's how the ghost keep on popping up.

    Luke 6.39-40,41-45,46-49

    What do you think?

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