
Is it gas or something else?

by Guest33252  |  earlier

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For the past 2 nights my 14 month old daughter has been up screaming and arching her back and rubbing her feet together for about an hour before going to sleep. Her pediatrician seems to think it is just gas, but she takes both gas drops and sometimes even gripe water during the day and right before bed. Should I get a second opinion. It only happens at night time and it is really starting to worry me.




  1. sounds like your little girl is in distress (and you too) so i personally would get a second opinion. it cant hurt. best of luck to you both.

  2. Has she pooped at all

    could be constipation

    but I would have it checked again in a day or 2 that doesnt sound right for her to be in pain like that

  3. If your worried i.d maybe get another opinion. .  . after all it wont do any harm. .it will put your mind at ease .

    But i do have to say.  .a few months back. .i was having really really incredibly painful stomach cramps and it only happened at night id wake up about 1 - 2 in the morning in agony. .this happened for a few days until i decided to go to the doc's. . and when i got there he felt my stomach and said it was trapped wind. . which was quite embarrassing.

    It was agony for me. . and i think that is what your daughter has.. . i tried drinking warm water before bed. .this helped me alot. so you can only imagine what a baby is going through and i think it happens at night because of lying flat,

    So try maybe giving her some cooled boiled water before bed. . but. if your worried id call the doctor.  a mother knows best.

    good luck.

  4. have you recently switched her over to cows milk?  she may be lactose intolerant.  maybe try switching to a soy milk?

    another thing it could be is growing pains.  I noticed with all my gurls (there's 4 of them) that if they were running and jumping all day like at the park or whatnot, their legs hurt all night, for that just a small dose of motrin was needed.

    another idea, she could be sensitive to any wheat based products.  I think it's the gluten? Some people dont process it, and it just swells in the tummy and intestines

    last random thought, Migraines?  I know that if i eat too much suger, or something heavy for dinner I'll end up with a pounder on the right side.

    Does she have a hard time passing?  it could be that she has irritable bowel movement.  which is very common for women of all ages.

    personally i would get a second opinion.  I've had too many dr's misdiagnoses problems with my runts.   One year our dr told us that my daughter had a simple cold, turned out she also had the RSV virus, and was hospitalized for over a week when her O2 levels dropped to 72%  the thing is if you dont feel comfortable with what is being said, you dont have to take it,  If anything just do it to ease your mind.  Who knows, maybe there is more to it than just gas.  I feel it's better to know for sure when it comes to your runts, than a whole bunch of "maybes."

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