
Is it g*y to have a girl avatar if you're a guy? What if the girl is famous?

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On the flip side, is it g*y to have a guy avatar if you're a girl? BTW, I'm a guy, not that it matters. I'm just curious, not trying to be offensive.




  1. It is g*y **** with people of the sam s*x. all the rest is stereotype.

  2. to eaches own  

  3. I think it's g*y if you're a guy and you're having s*x with another guy. Your choice of avatar has no influence on your sexuality.

    Have whatever avatar you'd like.

  4. Well I suppose it depends on who the girl is. I personally believe you should be able to have any avatar you want without having deal with stereotypes but if you're among str8 people and you have a girl avatar or a Madonna avatar or something they are probably going to think you're g*y unfortunately. You might be able to get away Eleanor Roosevelt or Margaret Thatcher or something.

    As for girls with a guy avatar... No, girls can get away with pretty much anything.

  5. As far as I'm concerned, you can have anyone or anything as your avatar, this is a matter of self expression. The only thing that defines one as g*y is a sexual attraction to the same s*x, nothing more, nothing less.

    Some people here actually have cartoon characters, or animals, or unconventional graphic images as their avatars - I don't think anyone labels them as childish, or zoophiles, or "strange". What matters is you, and not your avatar. Even if you picked the girliest possible representation for an avatar, but you're as straight as an arrow, your avatar would not matter one bit.

    Live your life, be free!

  6. No, it isn't g*y at all...

    I think it's just the thrill of having a virtual identity completely opposite to the real identity...

    Maybe that virtual identity they have is just the expression of a small fantasy, a dream, or just a funny way to let people judge them in a totally different way...

    There could be a hundred and more of reasons to a guy choosing a girl avatar and no one of them make that guy g*y...

    I think it's not necessary to be g*y to have a small fantasy about being a woman or just a hidden feminine personality or to like expressing this hidden side by creating a virtual identity different from the real one.

  7. It should be okay to have any Avatar you like...some people would choose Chess pieces...or a, what's wrong with the opposite s*x...  There are some days I'm sure some would feel so 'blah' that they'd just put up a black smoke screen for an Avatar...hahaha...  So, have at it...and, have fun...

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