
Is it general acceptable to collect golf balls from various hazards around a golf course?

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My friend and I play a lot of golf, often, we hit a few balls into the lake accidently and end up bringing out about 20 more (we don't mind talking the old shoes off and getting a little wet.) Or sometimes its just fun to go for a walk and collect a few from patches of forest behind greens and areas like that. Is this accepted by most clubs? Or would they be likely to get rather angry if they realised what was happening. I know for a fact that some courses don't mind. I'm wondering what your opinions and experiences are?




  1. I don't think anyone would be mad. My dad and I do that on occasion when we find a ball or two that we thought were ours but weren't, and no one gave us a bad time about it.

  2. my friends and i do it all the time, there has been time when we took plastic grocery bags in our bags, and came back with 40-50, because there was no one behind us, and the greens on this course back right up to woods.

    you can do it, as long as it doesnt slow up play.

  3. Get yourself a ball fishing rod. I scoop up at least 20 balls per game.

  4. It is unacceptable to just go looking for golf balls UNLESS you hit one in the area you are looking.   Their is nothing I and other golfers I've conversed with hate more then some one holding us up because they are looking for golf balls ANY where on the course.  Old men have tagged this as a means to make money and it gets real old real quick.  If it is a real slow day on the course and their is not a lot of other golfers out then It is permissible.  Any other time than that you should just move on.

  5. Hunting for golf balls is a tradition in golf. Some clubs

    hire divers to get them or 'contract' the work out. My view is, as long as you don't hold people up...have fun. That is the idea. No club pro is going to say, "Take your time and hunt for balls as you play," because usually they want players to have 41/2 rounds don't ask for permission, but be prepared to get grilled if discovered.

  6. Last summer, my home course was cleaning around a creek bed going through the course and when my friend and I were playing nearby the workers gave us all the balls they had found.

    I find quite a few balls when I am playing and I lose quite a few. I always look to see if there is anyone nearby that may have hit a bad shot and if no one is around, I keep the ball(s) I find. I figure someone is going to find those of mine that I can't so it is an exchange.

  7. It's good sportsmanship not to pick up lost balls while they are still rolling.

  8. Ah, finding balls is the "game within the game".

    1. If you are making more than $50k per year, or you are at a private course it is pretty tacky.

    2. Picking up balls while you are looking for your own is no big deal, but when you find yours ball, the search should end.

    3. Never do this when it might effect the pace of play.  Remember, if you slow down, it doesn't just inconvenience the group behind you, it slows down everyone for the rest of the day.

  9. As with many others I think as long as you are not holding anyone up there is nothing wrong with it, and it is good fun.

    It is particularly good for beginners, who generally lose about ten balls a round.  If they do not find any balls they will constantly be needing more and have to spend a fortune on new ones.

  10. It's a good hobby, and there are a lot worse places to spend your time than walking a golf course on a nice day.  Keeping the pace of play up is the main key, and if you want to hawk balls when you're not playing, keep in mind that some courses will regard you as a trespasser and at the least ask you to leave, at the worst, have you arrested.  Also, be aware that in some parts of the country (mostly SE US), some contractors "buy" the rights to the balls in the hazards from the courses and dive for them for resale- if they catch you hawking, they will generally let you go with a verbal warning, but there have been cases where they have prosecuted the individual for theft (and won).  Like most of anything else that is fun or cheap, once lawyers get involved it starts to become less enjoyable.  But go ahead, have fun, and don't get beaned.

  11. I often collect golf balls from our course. Some of my best shots were hit with balls that I picked "fresh" from the swamp. What is not acceptable is for people who are not members, or playing guests to come on to the course and collect golf balls to sell. The people are considered trespassers by the clubs and can at times be taken to court. You really have to be carefull about when and where you pick up balls, but if during the course of a round to pick them up, then that is normally acceptable.

  12. I dont think they really care they aren't the clubs golf balls. I do it all the time.

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