
Is it generally safe to sleep while riding on a greyhound bus?

by  |  earlier

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I'm taking a two day bus ride and I'll have to take a nap at some point so, form some of your guy's experiences; is it safe to sleep in the bus?




  1. you should be ok - try to sleep when you're next to a woman...and your personal items are all tucked away...(ask how long she's going to be on the bus - don't want her getting of the bus while your asleep and some weirdo taking her place!)

    You two can keep an eye out for each other!

  2. Generally Greyhound is safe.

    You can ask the driver how many hrs they've been on duty. They can be driving for 10 hrs in a 16 hr time period with 8 hrs off in between.  Ask for his or her log book even. You want to be safe.

    Don't bother telling where yer getting off, that's not the driver's job.

    Don't place valuables up with the driver either, he's not a safe keeper.

    You'll be fine. Keep a physical hold on anything valuable.

  3. I think it'll be safe.Is anyone riding with you if so, it'll increase t your safety level on the bus.

  4. You cannot apply the word "generally" to the general population.   Ironic--I know--but the essence of human nature just may be our inherent unpredicability.  Inescapable chaos.  I personally would not feel safe sleeping on a geyhound bus, unless I was with a group of friends I trusted.

  5. No IT IS not SAFE repeat riding gretyhound is NOT safe

    they already have a least a dozen acccidents just in one week!

    one driver feel asleep one trying to under too low clearnace  bridge another bus was on fire another bus the brakes fail

    and another bus had all the rear tires blowout it all those passeneghrs where either killed or injured

    now  even if you were able to get on greyhoud you wont

    get any sleep anyway because the bus will jammed and you

    would probally be standing for over 2 hours or more!

    take Amtrak instead!~



  6. Sit a couple of seats back from the front and tell the driver where you are getting off, and that you are going to sleep for a while. That way, he'll keep an eye on you.

    Sure it's safe!

  7. Its plenty safe, if your worried about a crash dont be, if your worried about getting somthing stolen dont take anything important as a carryon, set a alarm on your phone and stick it in your bra assuming by your avatar your a woman so you dont stay asleep when you dont want to be, if you must take somthing imporntant as a carry on if its small stick it in the bra or pants, if its like a laptop put it up front with the driver, or snag the seat by the window and sleep with the bag on the wall with 1 of the straps on you also.

  8. Yes it is quit safe and you will be just fine.......

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