
Is it girly for a man to drink champagne?

by  |  earlier

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i'm curious, is champagne viewed as a girls drink or is it acceptable for a man to drink it as well. You know, like when a man drinks a smirnoff ice or a wine cooler, he is considered to be girly. thanks.




  1. Yes

  2. No you can drink it!

  3. As long as you're not drinking it while wearing a pink dress, it's not girly.

  4. depends on the situations.  Generally, no.  But if you are with your boys at the pub and everyone orders a pint and you order a glass of bubbly... it would be a bit girly.

    That being said, I love champagne.  There's nothing wrong with drinking it.  Just dont drink it exclusively.

  5. NO WAY!!!  champagne is james bond and sophisticated.  just stay the heck away from white zinfandel...that will make you g*y after 1 sip!

  6. Absolutely not! When I see a man drinking champagne, I see man who can enjoy the finer things in life :)

  7. absolutely not,,, when you pay 35,, 50,, 100 dollars your cool..

    try watching the WPT the poker players often toast with it..

  8. heck no champagne is tingly

  9. Champers a girly drink? Puh-leeeze!!!

    Men drink champers when celebrating things. It's drunk at wedding receptions to toast the bride and groom. It's drunk on New Year's Eve to ring in the new year/millenium or what ever. A man drops the diamond ring into a glass of champers when being romantic on the night of "will you marry me my darling".

    It's a drink for one and all... well, those of age, any way.

  10. No

    Judging people by something as trivial as what they like to drink is pretty weak no matter what.

  11. Only in America.

    Men in other cultures worldwide drink champagne and wine, and think nothing of it.

  12. Is it manly for a girl to drink beer?

  13. no

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