
Is it going beyond just friends????HELP!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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ok so me and this guy went out before and broke up cause we just wanted to be we r, we hang out and stuff but now we went to the movies with 2 other friends and at the end we hugged but when i was in the car he txted me y didnt u kiss me? is that still just being friends or does he want somethign more???




  1. hes probably use to wen yall dated and doesnt really want to be just friends but he also doesnt want to give up being able to flirt with other girls at the same time. if you dont mind kissing him and not dating then go ahead. but that may complicate things and make it harder to get over him as ur ex boyfriend. you should try talking to him to make sure yall are on the same page

  2. ASK HIM.

    DO IT NOW.

    You wont know the truth until you ask.


  3. He definitely wants more, the question is do you?

  4. maybe he does want more or maybe he was joking w/ u.

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