
Is it going to be hard to be a freshman?

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cause people are telling me that there are alot of critics and people who wont hang out with just because of what you were and i want to be prpared for this kind of stuff.




  1. try to get a map before the first day of school. know where the wings are [english wing, math hallway...ect.]

    if you get the list of class rooms then map out where you are going :) so you'll know the best routes to take.

    buy your basic school supplies beforehand [a binder, folder, notebook/paper,pens,pencils,backpack] before hand that way all you'll have to buy after the first day is the necessities for each class.

    don't worry about being harassed by upperclassman on the first day. i was a freshman last year and nothing happened to me OR anyone i knew.

    just remember: you were in middle school at one time with the juniors and sophmores (when you were in 6th grade!) and the seniors really keep to themselves. dont be nervous-highschool is a time to have fun and be with your friends!

  2. Since there are other people coming from different middle schools, people generally huddle together from the same school for the first week. If you are given a map, highlight where your classes are when your teacher is explaining about the school. Also, people do tend to judge you more based on where you went to school and on your appearance. Just try to ignore them and focus on trying to connect with people from other schools, because the ones who don't won't know how great these other people are.

  3. its scary at first and then after a while, u just sorta find ur place and some people accept u and some people dont and u hav to get ovr tht i guess

  4. I would not be worried about anythign regarding your social life, that will be a breeze, and don't believe any of the rumors...

    I mean, obviously there will be people who call you a freshy and all that but they will still be friendly (unless you live in a bad neighborhood or something)

    Anyways I would be much more worried about the academics, because high school classes are much more harder than middle school classes

  5. no its actually not that bad

    plus where i live freshman go to school 1 day before everyone else does

    it helps a lot

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