
Is it going to be ok to travel to cuba without haveing HEP A jab done, or is there a way i can help myself?

by  |  earlier

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im going in a couple of weeks and i cant gt an appointment to get the jab done, will it be safe to go without the jab




  1. generally where possible you should find out about travel vaccinations at least a few months in advance to give yourself time - you should make sure that as well as hepetitis that your polio and rabies shots are up to date

    if you can't get it done (often there are private travel clinics) just be careful to the point of mild paranoia about what you get up to

  2. I think it depends on where your going, back packing or resort? if resort you should be fine, but really watch the water, sooo many people get sick at the resorts there, food poisoning crappy water,  but hey id risk it, if you cant get it done on time your not gonna go on vacation? s***w that  stay away from the water as best you can and have fun, youll make it to the hospital  back home just fine.

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