
Is it gonna be safe for 23 yr old girl to travel to Argantina alone solo on her own?

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i' ve been to turkey and Thailand alone and i didn't face any problems! so im not quite sure is it gonna be the same with Argantina 'cause i know nothing about that country! and i really wanna to visit it that summer





    the argentinian blog´s

    visit it !

  2. is'nt only a 23yr old girl can travel to argantine alone.

    what of if she is 25yr old girl?

  3. Hi,

    We have been to BA for the last 5 years.  It is a wonderful city and is really beautiful too.  It is like any big city you have to be very careful.  I don't think that you have to fear for your safety...but, I do KNOW that you MUST be careful how you flaunt your stuff.  Always, carry your wallet or $$ in a separate area. Take only $$ that you will need for the day leave the rest in the vault in the hotel.   Wear your purse close to your shoulder with both hands holding on to the strap, and when you put it down...make sure it's close and safe.  Don't flaunt your camera, rings or other gold jewelery.  Watch the people of the country and you will see that they don't flaunt.  At night take cabs (they are very cheap) to a from your destination.  During the day it is a very busy city and you can roam as you please.

    The museums are wonderful the malls are great and the people are very warm and friendly and loving.  Their favorite saying is Kisses and they mean it too.

    Have a great time and enjoy the beef it really is the best!



  4. Spent six nights in Buenos Aires this past Feb.  BA is like any other has its good, safe areas and it has areas to avoid...especially at night and alone.  But what a marvelous city...better than Paris, France, in just about every respect.

    The people are friendlier, the food is better, the dollar is stronger, and, gasp, the public restrooms are way cleaner than in Paris.  BA is very European in its look and feel.  Over half of the native BA people have an Italian heritage.

    If you have the chance, go to Iguazu Falls for a couple of days.  Better than Niagara, and the resort accommodations overlooking the falls are spectacular.  Otherwise, stay in BA and enjoy the great shopping on Avenida Florida (their version of Rodeo Drive), the super steak and lamb dinners at the parillas, and the fab parks, museums, and such.  Lots to do; and the Argentines are very friendly and the store clerks usually speak a bit of English if your Spanish is weak.

    Go do it, you are one lucky gal.

  5. Argentina these days is getting pretty bad.  would think twice. always travel with a buddie PERIOD.  specially being a female. wow bush's daughters purse was stolen when she visited argentina. lived there for 4 yrs.

  6. I´ve lived there and travel there often.BA is one of the great cities of the world, with about 10 million people living in "the greater BA". If you stick to the part of town, basically along the river, where all the fun & interesting stuff is anyway, you should have no problem. Like any big city there are unsafe areas and people looking to rip off a handbag or two. But people there are friendly, good looking (in general), and a reasonable amount of english is spoken. Stuff is currently cheap too. If you go between october and april don´t miss Punta del Este across the river in Uruguay (especialy jan/feb which is summer) Hamptons eat your heart out! Buena suerte

    PS men are friendly and like to try lines, casually, on women on the street. Take it as a compliment and smile!

  7. Gucci-Princess: You will be safe! But please DO not use all your Gucci at once on the streets. As said before, as in every-where, be aware of your surroundings.

    Must see, and "safe" sees:

    a- Downtown (Pink House, Financial District/Florida Street)

    b- Harbourfront/Puero Madero

    c- San Telmo (close to down-town) antiques and colonial architecture

    d- Barrio Norte (Santa Fe Avenue) shopping/food

    e- Palermo (zoo, botanical garden, Serrano Street)

    f- Delta (1 hour+ North) boat rides (widest delat in the world after the Amazons and theme park)


    Pinamar (350km South)

    Mar del Plata (400km South)


    West: Mendoza (wine, Aconcagua Mountain, highest in the Americas, excellent food and short trip to Chile and the Pacific Coast)

    Bariloche: Chocolate, food, sky, lakes, german/bavarian influence, trout fishing


    Patagonia: whales, pinguins, sea lions, ocean, scuba diving

    Usuahia (3000kms south of Buenos Aires) south-most city of the world, jus across the Antartica


    Iguazzu Falls, across from Brasil and Paraguay

    North West:

    Clouds Train (the highest train in the world)



  8. If you play it smart and don't attract too much attention, you will be OK. Argentina is very friendly and they respect women there a lot. There was plenty of single women travelling alone from the US, UK,  and Austraila.  Here are a few tips.

    1) ATM's espically on the weekends are low on cash outside Buenos Aires, plan accordingly.  Only visit the bank during the day

    2) Never show valuables including electronic equipment, but that is anywhere

    3) The most threating spot is probably a bus terminal and they are probably not looking to harm you, just their next meal, but I travelled by myself and I was fine.

    4) Pick up a few words of Spanish before you go. Not a lot of English is taught outside the tourism sector.

    Enjoy yourself,

    Forest D. Bynum

  9. hey, i'm from argentina, and i can assure you that nothing is going to happen to you.

    i've been living here in buenos aires for all my life, and nothing ever happened to me.

    i guess it all depends where you decide to go.

    anyway, hope you enjoy your stay in argentina! if u need any help, i'll be willing to help you, just e-mail me.




  10. Yes!  I spent a semester studying in Cordoba, Argentina - it is the second largest city in Argentina and so lovely!  I didn't want to be in Buenos Aires - I was studying Spanish and wanted to be in a smaller city where fewer people would speak English and it was GREAT!  I was 20 when I studied there and LOVED it.  My friends and I - also females 20/20ish at the time - traveled throughout Argentina, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, and Uruguay while we were there and were fine.  All in all South America is very safe (and cheap) to travel around.  If you travel use transportation that is reputable - large, well-known companies and please have some knowledge of Spanish :)  A couple of places we were advised not to go to - outside Argentina of course - is Asuncion, Paraguay and La Paz, Bolivia at night anyway.  Just use common sense, check for US travel advisories before you go, locate and let the US embassy in Argentina know you are coming and have them give you advice and you will be fine.  Ã‚¡Buen viaje!

  11. You will have the same travel considerations and safety concerns in Argentina as in Thailand or Turkey, just be aware of people around you and your belongings. If you've done Thailand and Turkey before, Argentina would be the same! Have fun!

    P.S. It's summer in Argentina Dec-Feb and winter Jun-Aug, I'm sure you know that.

  12. No I don't think you should, just because nothing has happened to you yet doesn't mean you should keep doing it. Right now your probably thinking, "Oh this will never happen to me". It's always good to  travel with one or two other people, and hey it might be more fun!

  13. I think you should come. I traveled alone all around Europe when I was 20, and before leaving home I was afraid, but I do not regret it at all, it has been a wonderful experience. You just need to be careful, Buenos Aires is like any mayor city in the world.

  14. Follow your dreams, just be aware of your surroundings, and keep your "irreplacebles" safe in your hotel room. I was in Buenos Aires alone in 2003, just after the economical crisis, and there were signs of bandalism and looting all over the place because of problems with the nations bank system. That was 4 years ago, so hopefully things are better now. I had no problems while there. It is a very beautiful city, enjoy and be safe!

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