
Is it good for a person who has suffered a traumatic experience when they were young

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to become active in trying to help others who have also gone through something similar during their recovery time? I have been told to just suck it up or move on when drawing attention to what happened to me is my way of healing myself and trying to help others. I am working through lots of layers of trauma.




  1. Of course, you do not want to dwell on the incident or become obsessed.  However, sharing your story with others now and then can be helpful.  Also, if the person you are talking to has had a similar experience, you can identify or empathize with them   You have "been there, done that."  Of course, it is important that you have moved on enough to have some emotional distance so that you can focus on the other person's issues as well, not just your own.  A good therapist is worth his/ her weight in gold to help you find the balance b etween sharing and onsessing.

    For example, we have a class in our local prisons called " Impact  of crime on victims." An important part of the class is visits from survivors ( they usually do not want to be called victims) who share their stories with the classes.  They may only share two or three times a year, and for many of them, that is enough... now.  They may not want to burden their friends, but appreciate being listened to with respect by these classes.

  2. ya i think its fine. i suffered throw a couple traumatic experiences (i got hit by a car when i was 4).i got over that month.ya, i still had scares and painful memories but u have to make do with hat u got for bather or for worst.

  3. I would say as long as you have gotten some understanding into your situation it would be a great thing. Be sure you don't feel that you need to fix everyone else (been where you are) and that you still make it be a mutual support arrangement-where you are not the only one giving. Just make sure you set any limits you want with other people. You could find the exact opportunity you want in a support group.

    I do admire you for looking can take a lifetime to et through all the layers.but each later gone does add joy to your life.  God Bless

  4. I think it is good for people to understand they are not alone.  Sometimes people feel like the world is against them.  Knowing that others have experienced the same problem my help them cope.  If you have been through a traumatic experience I think it is wonderful for you to try and help others.  

  5. Sucking it up generally is not a good idea.

    Helping others can be healing if it is proving to be a healthy way for you to let go and move on.  If the trauma was an abusive family, you'd probably also benefit from some therapy.  There are many scars from child abuse, all of which are not so readily apparent but can seriously effect a person's entire life.  Codependence is one of the tendencies as is forever taking the caretaker role.  Boundary issues is another, and well, there are a bunch of them in addition to low self-esteem and depression.

  6. I think it is healthy to share your experiences with those working through their own trauma--it helps you and it helps them.  That's what support groups are for.  

  7. i think you should support others. in supporting others, you are also supporting yourself. i tried to "suck it up" and i broke down. true i have had more than one, but still. in helping others, you are helping yourself.

  8. i think that would be great! what happened to you?? : (

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