
Is it good if i drink 3 eggs a day??

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Is it good if i drink 3 eggs a day??




  1. i was told maximum 3 eggs a week!

  2. if you like salmonella

  3. it is not very good if you drink 3 eggs a day.

    If you are younger than 25, you can drink 2 eggs a day, if you are older than 25, 1 egg a day is good!  Otherwise, the cholesterin will become high!

  4. i dont think so.......... better take 3 eggs a week

  5. I think it's okay... but without the yolk.

    The yellow one contains high colesterol, but the white one contains high proteins..

  6. of course ,it is not very good ,it is just too too many for us to take in .

    on the one hand,it is a waste of eggs,maybe you are rich,you don't care about it ,but it is true.

    on the other hand,no matter whatever it is,if it is too much/many ,it will go to the opposite direction as you wish,which is called '物极必反'.

  7. Only if they are from your own hens and you know them to be healthy. Wash the eggs good before opening. Over a long period of time 3 eggs a day is a bit much, I'd ask your doctor about this.

    BTW: Using soy protein drinks are a healthier way to bulk up.

  8. salmonella is actually contracted from the outside of the egg, on the shell.

    if you want to eat lots of protein and build muscle (if you work out lots) then sure its good.

  9. Three eggs a day is rather on a high side. Keep the maximum at two only.


  10. It's not good. It's fine if it's 3 eggs a week.

    Your cholesterol level would be high cause

    if you drink 3 a day, in a week you'll be drinking 21 eggs!

    Iinstead of getting healthy, you'll get clogged arteries.

  11. That is to many eggs a week. Did you by chance, just watch the movie "Rocky"?

  12. no there are high in cholesterol

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