
Is it good news John Terry will be leading the England Squad or is it a 'slip up' on the part of Capello?!

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  1. I dont think he's even good enough for the team.

  2. "slip up" good one. Lets hope it doesnt go to penalties.

  3. Capello did say he would rotate the position of captain untill he made a final decision. We are a bit limited in Terry, Ferdinand and Gerrard. One a serial adulterer, another a sleeze bag and the other someone who seems to have been caught up with Liverpool gangsters.

    I just can't pick one out of this motley crew.

  4. there isn't really a great deal of choice with the current squad

    we spent time last night trying to predict who would be a suitable captain and there were few suitable candidates

    as least terry has experience as the captain for this club .......

    we need a clean sweep and a manager with an open mind when selecting his squad is the same old same old at the moment

  5. ha nice pun. Terry is a leader - I think he's a good captain. What dos it matter anyway, Capello has until september to decide who his captain is!

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