
Is it good or bad to have callouses?

by  |  earlier

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I've got a callous to the right side of my thumbnail on my right hand from my job at work, its as hard as stone, doesn't hurt, but I'm finding myself, once in a while, picking at it, as if I'm trying to pick it off my hand, and it starts hurting when I do that.

My question is, is it okay to have callouses, is it okay to pick at them? I also used to play guitar ALOT several years ago and when I stopped playing so much, after a while the callouses on my fingertips slowly went away, but I remember pulling 2 callouses on my fingertips off, and it hurt like h**l.




  1. Its is ok to have them, however, you shouldnt pick at them because that'll just make it worse. Normally you will get them from hard work, and then about a week later they shuld slowly go down. I had a painful experience with a callouse from picking, and wouldnt recommend it.

  2. What a full life you must have.

  3. Don't pick it. Callouses are like a way of your body adapting to the way you work or do things. It forms so it can protect you from pain. Plus picking at could lead to infections which is much worse. Just ignore it is the best answer to it.

  4. check this out..

  5. Other people like to have callouses.

    So it is not bad or good to have callouses.

    And it is normal to all hardworkers to have them.

  6. Go to the docs, these things can be frozen off!

  7. yes its okay, its your body making a natural pad for itself , it may not look good but all it is is a bunch of skin toughend up! thats all

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