
Is it good or bad to start taking wheat grass juice?

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Is it good or bad to start taking wheat grass juice?




  1. It's Good.

  2. It is very good for you like the perfect food you can live on only wheat grass. You just have to like it, thats the hard part.

  3. if you have to "take" it it is neither food nor drink. the stuff tastes godawful and leaves a bitter lawnclipping taste that lingers for hours, steer clear of it

  4. Bad! It can cause renal failure in the kidneys and has been linked to many cogenital defects (if you're a woman)!

  5. It's suppose to be good for you, but it's awful.

    No thanks( for me anyway).

    I'd rather not be that healthy that I would have to drink that swill.

    Try it( if you haven't already).

  6. i don't think its good...

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