
Is it good or is it bad?

by  |  earlier

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now, i have heard about good and bad stuff.

what is the right answer?

watch a clip saying is good.

did you experienced?




  1. grass is like beer.  overuse is an issue for anything like that. a joint after work after a hectic day is no different than a beer after work after a hectic day.  Drinking beer on the job, before you leave for work during your lunch break, and all night after work, now thats a problem, same with grass.  The biggest issue is it is illegal.  i know lots of people, responsible folks, who choose grass over beer for what ever reasons( probably why I choose diet cola over beer) and none of them are laying in the gutter, smoking joint after joint, robbing old ladies and little kids, etc.  If grass were legal, it would empty a few jails, could be taxed and thereby bring in government revenue, just like beer, would be a new crop to be grown(like hops for beer) free up police for serious stuff, eliminate the need for creeps from other countries selling weird versions of grass on the streets etc. It would also be regulated so there would never be 'bad $hi*' or good $hi*' it be all the same $hi*!!

  2. Well it really depend on what Your using it for Hun!

    if you use it just to using it then it can be really bad for you.

    If You use it to help with stress and other conditions Then it could be good for You.

    So what I'm trying to say is that it depends on the persons needs NOT wants.

  3. the bad side effects of it cancel out the good side effects, most of the bad side effects come the day's after when your feeling as though you don't care anymore and you have a short temper, and your not very quick.

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