
Is it good time to buy gold ???????????

by Guest65996  |  earlier

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Gold trading 850 now.. is it good to invest in gold...??????? what range could we expect this year?




  1. I would think so w/ it being down. I would think after we get out of the slum it will go back up. Maybe after we have another president. Things like that kinda scary me b/c you don't know what the stock is going to do. Banks are safer, I think.

  2. Well if you look at the history of commodities, you will see that there's no limit to how low or high they can go. Meaning that gold could still go substantially lower in the long run.

    Bottom line, if you buy gold, you're just placing a gamble on it.

  3. Gold has support at 850.00

    I'm looking for a bounce to 925.00 then a decline to 850.00

    It a good time to buy FOR A SHORT TERM TRADE but nothing els.

  4. I Think It Is Good 2 Invest In It Goe's Up Every Year That Is a Fact That Every1 Knows I Haven't Invested In It But I Never Have Been In2 Stocks So I Wouldn't Know How It Works With The Stock Market  

  5. no no the gold when its price 800 and sell it when arround 900-950

  6. I personally don't think it is a good time to buy gold because of the high price. Now if the tables were turned and you had gold to sell I wouldn't wait to sell it. Gold is very valuable right now.

  7. Gold has dropped to (current) $855.50US based on irrational exuberance about the US dollar, not because the government has renounced it's inflationary policy of printing money and spending it like a drunken sailor.  As the US Dollar drives for parity with the dollar of Zimbabwe, the price of gold will increase greatly.

    I think this is a terrific time to buy, or buy more.  Even if it dips lower, someday you will brag that you bought under $1000/oz.


  8. Though a small percentage of your portfolio should include gold, this market is very volitile. I see gold futures taking a dip in the near future but remaining steady in the long-term.

  9. ask here.

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