
Is it good to be satisfied or not ???

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I have heard that, the people who r satisfied can not go ahead in life !!! so shall we be greedy ??? i have one of my friend she is never satisfied with the things she has & always be unhappy for the things she does not have !!! what shall we do be satisfied or not ?




  1. Be satisfied with what you have and work for the things you want. Life ,Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. :)

  2. JEALOUSY withdraw us back

    Let us be balanced in life

  3. Im happy with what I have. Im satisfied with that. Greed and fear of not having things is what holds us back.

  4. If I had a man? and if, he were able to satisfy me sexually upon request 24/7, then, I wouldn't need to spend money on lavish gifts. Then, just the basics will do (Tiffany & Co. Jewelry/One Expensive Home considered basic.  Women who need to spend lot's of money on lavish gifts to make themselves happy, are not getting laid [one pair of $200.00 shoes are also excluded from the above basic comment...I'm talking about 10 to 20 pairs of $200.00 shoes lol)

  5. I think the ultimate goal in life is to be satisfied with what you have and who you are.  I imagine your friend lacks self-confidence and therefore needs more, needs better, needs newer to make herself feel better than others...I know because I am like that, in a way.  My goal is to one day say- 'you know what, i am completely satisfied with what i have and the person i am'.  I envy you!  You are already ahead in life because you are not worried about the newest and most expensive.

  6. There are many types of desires some are good… and the rest are not so good… even bad…

    Desire to learn more is a good wish… we should always long for more and more knowledge…

    Indiscriminate desires for worldly things like luxuries viz cars, bungalows, A/Cs, air travels, trips to US & Europe etc are harmful…

    we look at others who live in luxuries possessing endless fortunes… and wish to possess all that… it is just daydreaming… that ends-up in disaster… as fortunes are not grabbed merely out of wishes…

    If we really want to be rich and fortunate… then we have to fix-up definite goals… then we have to work hard… and achieve the fixed goal…

    We should not look at others who possess luxuries, name fame and fortune… and just jump over to equate ourselves with them…

  7. big deal...I'm satisfied and that's all that counts.  Your friend's just looking for pity and an excuse to buy more stuff on credit cards.   Ask her, I bet shes has lots of maxed cards

  8. Content with what we have in life.

  9. being satisfied is just the basic of being happy with something. but as humans no one just wants to be just 'satisfied' we want to be absolutely thrilled, i see nothing wrong with wanting more.

    but people who are never happy even tho they have every reason to be, then thats just greed

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