
Is it good to be skinny but weigh a lot

by Guest33898  |  earlier

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I have only been boxing for two years and I am trying to get into heavyweight. The thing is, people are always telling me how skinny I am, but I am definitely gaining weight. If it is not good to be skinny but weigh a lot, could you give me advice on how to get fatter?




  1. guys with lanky bodies sometimes hit real hard....think of kelley pavlick, or thomas hearns.  muscle is good and all, but in boxing in all does so much, and too much is often counter productive, like bruce seldon, or jeff lacey.  lanky dudes seem to generate more power from a distance. compact muscle bound guys, can get good power up close, but run out of  steam alot of times.....good to be somewhat muscular, but in boxing, cardio and stamina are more important.....but if you just wanna look like a bad dude, s***w cardio, just hit the weights

  2. NO

  3. it can be good to be abit thin but not so thin you could hoola hoop through a fecking cheerio, if you gain weight you are gonna lose your flexibility and thats one thing fat heavyweights cant have, if you have it then you have an advantage over your heavyweights unless your record  is bad

  4. WOW  " I want to get fatter" lol  that's something you don't hear everyday.

    I suggest you eat lots of meats and lift weights to build muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat. Lift weights for 4 days then rest for a day or 2, then another 4 days and rest for 1 or 2 days. You get the point. I don't recommend you to lift weights everyday, because you need your muscles to relax and to heal.  

  5. You probably look skinny because you have more muscle than fat. I really don't believe you need to get fatter. Being fat is not an asset for any sport except Sumo Wrestling.

  6. dont try to get fatter just build muscle it will make u look bigger

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