
Is it good to burn HD material on DVD media?

by Guest56475  |  earlier

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I read about Roxio Toast software with this feature.

I'm interested is this the best software for burn HD material on DVD?

Are there any problems related to this kind of recording?





  1. doesnt matter

    depends the media on which you have burned your hd stuff will play on most  of your equipment or not .dvd  btw are best as they are cheap ,high capacity,nice for hd material,works on your pc & dvd player.

  2. any computer file, including your income taxes, can be stuffed on a DVD in the ROM mode. however your DVD movie player will not playback and put your tax returns on the TV set, neither will it understand HD video formats.

    If you want to generate a DVD that works in a DVD movie player, then it has to be standard definition only. it can be widescreen (anamorphic) but not at 720 or 1080 lines.  Any good video editor can burn a DVD movie at standard definition, even when the source files are HD.

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