
Is it good to challenge satan?

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So I practice occult, I party, I play games like diablo 2,GTA etc. But its the path I choose. I dont believe in satan or god so im gunna follow my own rulez for now on.

I told myself I wont believe in demons until I become possessed.

I say I challenge satan and bring it on!!!!! Satan doesnt kno who I am. I will kick his a** hands down. I am satan!!!




  1. Satan doesn't bother with people who don't believe in him. That's like chasing after a dead thing. You're not going anywhere and so Satan doesn't waste time on you. And btw, Satan doesn't attack with violence. He attacks with pleasure. He makes you like him and his offerings until you perish and go to The Grave where he has no mercy. I suggest you don't call out entities you don't entirely understand.

    And God isn't going to bother either. He's not a cartoon storm cloud with thunder and lightning who strikes you for not believing in Him. He loves you and is going to get your attention by whichever way possible because He wants you to love Him back. If you're stubborn, he'll come after you, but people only see and hear what they want to so you probably won't notice.

    But and say as you please.

  2. Satan isn't a person it's a state of living.  He won't come to attack you, and neither will God.  I say fine by us as long as you don't attack anyone.

  3. That's stupid.  You have no idea what he is capable of.  You're only human yet Satan is 'The Prince of Darkness'.  

    You're asking for it mate!  Everything that you are afraid of or anything that you could possibly imagine as being 'dark' would be nothing, hence the name 'The Prince of Darkness'.

    I bet you ANYTHING that Satan will come for you eventually if you really do think that way.  You are not invincible.

  4. i actually did the same thing.... except i challenged god.  I wont stop until god strikes me down with a lightnign bolt.  Bring it god.

  5. why not?

    a real satan or god is not merely a physical being.

    unconsciously you dont know whether he is there or not.

  6. I think, as a general rule, people should question and challenge everything.  So, if challenging Satan helps you understand something better, or come to grips with the concept of evil or its possible embodiment, go for it.  But for crying out loud, don't do anything stupid or illegal like sacrificing puppies or committing murder....

    If you're really interested in Satanism, check out "The Satanic Bible" by Anton LaVey.  LaVey was a showman, but he also had a lot of interesting things to say about good and evil and the essential duality of Christianity, the Cartesian mind-body split that many Christians have translated into virtue and sin.

    BTW, what the HECK do videogames have to do with Satan?  Or partying for that matter?  *sigh*

    Hope this helps,

    Lilith Madleh

  7. Well then I guess you better start kicking my ***. Cause d**n boy I AM satan ^.^ mwahahahaha

  8. You are going to paranoy yourself into thinking that the badluck,mistakes.accident you have all are Satan making small attacks on you.You will lose all rationality and anything out of the ordinary,unkown or just will get your excuse as "Its must be Satan".You hear leaves crunching outside its probably a dear but you think Satan is there.You trip over a ledge, Satan pushed you.You are un-consiously challenging your self and "attacking yourself" with mindgames.

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