
Is it good to dance at 11:00 at night?

by  |  earlier

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it's the only time i have to dance

and im trying to learn a dance..

is it good for the body to dance later at night?

im not even tired one bit :)




  1. time doesnt matter, if you are warmed up, and arent tired. if you wanna learn dance you have to work extremely hard, but if u cant focuse only on dance at 11, i would say no.. but if your cool with it and you wanna learn dance, go right ahead=]

  2. no it's not you'll die

  3. i dont think it matterz because i dance like 6 hourz a day everyday so as long as u r getting enough sleep and drinking enough u really shouldnt have any problems

  4. dance whenever u want i just now stopped practicing in my house lol hahaha ill practice whenever and wherever.. so if u see a 14 year old girl dancing in the aisle at walmart or albertsons its prbly me(if ur in southern california) lol

  5. HAHA. Well, it's not the BEST time nor is it the WORST time. And it doesn't matter what time of day you dance its always good for the body as long as you don't strain yourself by doing too much. Go ahead and dance :) In fact, dancing in the night is so much more fun!

  6. In my opinion, it couldn't hurt dancing more at any time than another. So long as you warm up and down properly. Also at 11.00 at night, you may be more tired / exhausted so might not focus as hard on the detail. Just remember to keep focused and work just as hard and it should be fine.

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