
Is it good to do an MBA or join a job after UG degree?

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I am confused....




  1. It is always better do MBA than just going for job after UG degree. But for the huge amount of money needed to do MBA, you may have to go for job to earn unless otherwise you have somebody to sponsor. Or after going for a decent and less tiresome job, you can join in evening college or part time MBA degree.

  2. if you can afford it and enjoy school,,get an mba, and also get six sigma certified on the side.  its very hard to get a job with just a bach unless you are not married to the bank presidents daughter or something like that.  If you can get a good job get that though..good meaning well over 30k to start.

  3. ya you can proceed

  4. Hi,

    I would suggest you to go for MBA. Once you start doing job, it is quite difficult to think of learning. You can choose MBA in finace which has great scope and future.

    You can get the details of MBA on the below link.

    Even this is the best site for previous year question papers of MBA and other fields. You can also get the details about other Universities too which offers MBA.

  5. Well, it also kind of depends on what your UG degree is and what career path you want to go down. Some career paths dont really need MBAs.

    Also, i've heard that the good MBA programs want you to have some working experience too and you should only go to the good ones (the ones that most people know about...) because you will get what you paid for.  

  6. An MBA from an unranked program is not worth much more than a BS in Business.  Ranked schools want you to have three to five years of work experience before applying.  The better ones are leaning more towards five years.

  7. It depends. My view is that it helps to have some work background so you get some notion of what the practical applications are.

    But this also depends on where you went to school and where you're thinking about for the MBA. If you went to Eastbyjesus, boneyard for undergrad, it's hard to land good, even with an exception GPA, i.e. 4.0 on a 4.0 scale.

    You can't afford to work too long because an MBA is a starting point. One exception to all of this is an employer who will fund your MBA or work out something else.Wharton at one time had a program like that for employer sponsored MBA's.

    There are two areas to look at. Big names get more bids because of alumni influence. So you want to look carefully to see how their outplacement works out. There is no doubt but that some schools are outstanding in helping you land a good job.

  8. An MBA course has very good return of investment both in money and time. I see my 'good for nothing' graduate friends getting hefty pay packs once they added the word MBA as a subscript to their names.

    But it depends on several other your aims and aspirations, personality traits, your current degree etc. And never go for an MBA from a very low grade B-School unless u r super smart to cover up the things later.

    Do a bit of internet research on this career on your own. Just don't go by word of mouth. Meet MBA's know their experiences. Because an ill-informed mind is bound to make wrong decisions.

    you may consider other careers as well...Actuary, CFA ,CPA, CA and Law which are equally lurcative.

    Good luck.

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