
Is it good to email back one word replies such as "thanks" or "sure" to formal correspondence?

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if its a formal institution, do you email back one word replies, such as "Thanks"? (e.g. after they send you information) i think it would be more polite, but would they mind since it would also be adding to their overall mail load...what is the proper thing to do in such circumstances?




  1. It's depending on the content of the material that is being sent to you via e-mail. I'd probably respond saying "Thanks" and an additional response saying you received it and what a big help they were. If it's pointless matter like something not big of a deal, then I wouldn't both saying thanks or sure and I'd probably express my gratefulness the next time I see them.

  2. yes it is formal

  3. i believe it depends on the circumstnaces

    for instance, if i am emailing back and forth with a colleage ,but not someone in my immediate "team" at work, and if i simply want to thank them for something

    i will send


    Thank you!

    - Ann"

    but if it is within my team, we all say "thanks" and its understood

    it really depends on what the people in your workplace/team, etc, like

  4. Email isn't formal correspondence.

  5. Keep what you want to say short, but formal. Some people take one worded answers as insulting, and it comes across as if you're really not interested in what their saying. That's how I'd take  it

  6. I think if they have made the effort to put a few words together, then yes more than one word replies are necessary. every time i get one like that, im like 'oh'. Its the same for text messages as well, more than one word replies!!

  7. "Formal" correspondance would not be by email.

    If it is an individual giving you information, especially that you have requested, a thanks is in order.  From an institution or business and it is a "bulk" type mailing, you are absolutely right, a "thanks" would add to their email load and is probably not necessary.

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