
Is it good to get a german shepherd even though I live in an apartment?

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I want to get a GSD but I know they get big so would it be good to get one in an apartment??




  1. Only under 2 conditions. First the dog must be exercised daily. You will have to walk him in the morning before you leave, in the afternoon when you return home and at night before retiring. These walks and exercise should be for at least 45 minutes. Second they must be obedience trained. This will help them and you to understand about separation anxiety and how to deal with it which will be crucial to keeping them from getting depressed when alone and destroying your furniture and possibly the apartment.

  2. Make sure your landlord would allow that breed.  Many apartments have size and breed restrictions!  Think hard about how much time you have to dedicate to exercize and training.  If you can provide the exercize and mental stimulation that a GSD needs, then there is no reason why they cant live in an apartment.

    Big dogs do not automatically need a big house and yard.  There are other means to provide exercize.  I know plenty of dogs with a big house and yard who still dont get enough exercize, because the owners dont spend enough time with the dog to assure they are getting the exercize.

  3. German Shepard's need a lot of room to run around so it would be very unfair to have one in an apartment. They are a working dog. Go for something smaller, that is less active. If you want a "big" dog check out Standard Poodles  

  4. Don't listen to these people saying big dogs need big space...that's not necessarily true. I have a great dane and I live in a one bedroom apartment.

    Make sure your apartment allows this breed and a dog of this size. GSD MUST have tons of exercise!!! Seriously you have to walk a dog like that at LEAST 1 hr a day and take him to dog parks.

    Its a wonderful breed though, you should really research them so you know about there temperament and things of that nature. I would have one but my apartment doesn't allow them.  

  5. Noo noooo no german shepareds need lottttssss of room to run. cramped in a apartment is not good for them. You''l have a lot of mess and its time consuming to take them for walks constantly

  6. i think they will say that your dog is too big most apartment dont let big dog in  

  7. NO!!! Big dogs need space to run and play in!! Unless you can take them to the park everyday!!!!

  8. If your landlord allows it and if you have the energy and commitment to walk, run, and play with the dog every day twice a day even in the rain, snow and heat.  It is a commitment that you cannot break.  It is similar to having a child.  You will have to give the dog a lot of your time and energy so make sure you have it to give.

  9. no because they need space to tun around otherwise they will destroy ur furniture

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