
Is it good to homeschool your kids?

by Guest62029  |  earlier

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i have a 1 and 2 year old i know it's a little young for me to be thinking i'm just curious




  1. I see the question from both sides. But I don't think it's any better then public school. There are a lot of things that kids miss out on when being homeschooled. For instance, learning and teaching with other kids, not even from the teacher. Sharing, communication skills, and confidence. Children learn a lot of "real" world lessons and skills while in a public, or even private school, that they can't get from being taught. But as a parent, you should do what you think is best! =)

  2. Part of the fun of being an American is the trauma and torture that is the public school system.

  3. Hopefully all parents are teaching their children at home, making living exciting to them by introducing them to new and exciting things in the world around them.  Some parents prefer to school their children of school age at home, and this is their right.  First of all, there is much information out there on a good curriculum to begin this process.  You can share with other parents who do the same thing and take turns taking the children on field trips and being sure that they get sufficient interaction with children their own ages so that their social skills keep pace with their academic pace.  I would say it would be very rewarding to teach your own children at home, but there is much work to do as well.  Find out all you can about these programs before making a final decision.

  4. Yes, homeschool is better-they can join co-ops and learn with other kids, learn at their own pace, learn without the interference from slower kids, they have more time to be involved in healthy social relationships. They can move ahead when they are ready, or get one on one help when needed. You don't have to worry about whether they are being taught religious/political opinion as FACT. You are more involved with their friends. You can customize field trips, and take them whenever you like. They typically don't have to miss for sick days.

    Homeschool blows public school out of the water.

  5. I've homeschooled for more than 10 years. I've coached volleyball, basketball and softball, we had music and art classes. Gym at the Y, we had individual home studies...You can make it what you want. I like the A Beka Academy DVD program...check out their web. Check your area for a Homeschool group to join...Your children are young you have time to check your options.

    Good luck!

  6. "Homeschool" shouldn't be the word if you tell them. Make learning fun! You shouldn't have to go in dept with them. The basics are good, though.

  7. No because kids need to have social lives, mostly the best way is to have one at school. Also, it is more fun to learn with your friends instead of you brother or sister.

  8. It's never too early to start thinking about homeschooling. :)

    It's good to homeschool your kids if you are a decent, committed parent and want to homeschool your kids. Most parents who want to homeschool are decent and committed; the small percentage who aren't give the rest a bad name.

    Some will tell you that your kids will not get as good of an education. Well, that really depends on you, doesn't it? Some will say if you don't have a teaching degree, you can't possibly teach your kids "everything". It's a sad state of affairs that there are that many people out there whose only knowledge is from what teachers have passed onto them. I don't have a cooking degree, but I can teach my child how to cook all kinds of things. Most parents don't have preschool certification but are still able to teach their preschool kids how to make beds, identify colours, count to 10, etc.

    Others will try to convince you that your kids will not develop proper social skills, even if you do things outside the house regularly. Not sure why they think that the system that has been around for about 100 years is the only way for people to develop social skills, but I guess that boils down to ignorance. Of course, your children's social development will depend on YOU: how you guide them, what you teach them, how you prepare them for social situations, how many opportunities you make for them, etc.

    I just HAVE to address some of the comments that have come up so far:

    "There are a lot of things that kids miss out on when being homeschooled."

    There are a lot of things kids miss out on when being in school.


    "For instance, learning and teaching with other kids, not even from the teacher."

    This doesn't happen in most classrooms. Perhaps oral presentations, but it's not like we are going to be incomplete adults if we didn't make oral presentations as kids.


    "Sharing, communication skills, and confidence. "

    That's really sad if sharing, communication skills and confidence aren't built at HOME. Parents who think that schools are solely responsible for this are the ones who send to school kids the teachers complain about because they don't know how to share or communicate. Also, I find that homeschooled students tend to be more confident than public schooled kids because they don't live in an atmosphere of perpetual competition and comparison.


    "Children learn a lot of "real" world lessons and skills while in a public, or even private school, that they can't get from being taught."

    Homeschooled kids learn a lot of REAL world lessons by being in real world situations--at home and with others in the community. You can NOT get that locked up in a school most of the day.


    "No because kids need to have social lives, mostly the best way is to have one at school."

    I'm not sure how sitting in a desk most of the day is supposed to be the equivalent of a social life. I actually had a stronger social life once I was OUT of high school.


    "Also, it is more fun to learn with your friends instead of you brother or sister."

    This is really sad and one thing many homeschoolers comment on: they love how close their kids are. There should not be this type of attitude in families. My kids are great friends, who still have the typical sibling problems on a regular basis. They would not be the friends they are if they spent most of the time in different classrooms at school. Besides, I doubt that "more fun" is a truly valid reason to pick one form of schooling over another.


    There will undoubtedly be other naysayers stepping in sometime soon to have their say, their say based on nothing but their own biased thinking and not on actual understanding of homeschooling.

  9. Never. (I'm serious).

  10. It depends on your kids.  You are 'homeschooling' them right now when you are home with them teaching them new words and about the world around them.  That is what homeschooling is, only the 'world' gets harder and starts to require textbooks and sometimes tutors.  Some kids thrive when homeschooling, others don't.  I know many families (including mine) that homeschooled some of their children and sent others to school.  It simply depends on the student.  Any loving parent will make the right choice for their child.

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